How to cure their self-loathing to be more loving to the world?

In recent years, a lot has been said about how much hatred there is in the world. One thing that is considered to have played a role in the rise of hatred is social media, these sites are often seen as a breeding ground for hatred.

So, as part of the ongoing crackdown on hate, videos and posts have been removed. However, it does not end there because some people have removed their profiles and are banned from using these sites.



  • Both worlds

There is what happens in the online world and what happens in the real world. For example, the mainstream media usually talks about different "hate crimes."

Different laws have been put in place to prevent victims of one of these crimes. However, questions have been raised as to who defines what is or is not a “hate crime”.



  • Clarifies

However, while all of this is going on, the focus is on how important it is to be tolerant and treat people with respect. At the very least, if someone can’t show mercy to another person, they can be allowed to live their lives.

So, while there is a focus on being more loving and doing things related to love, there is more focus on ending hatred. As a result, it can be said that more is being done, at least publicly, to combat the unwanted than to create more of what is desired.



  • Wisdom

This approach, which is not very effective, can be seen as a logical thing to do. If you do not want something, the obvious thing to do is to fight it, and once it is defeated, create something else.

The reason why this approach is not so effective is that what is resisted will continue to grow and develop. So, while fighting hatred is right and well known, it feeds on something that is not really wanted.



  • For love

With this in mind, the way to create a more loving world is to make people want to see more, and spend less time fighting what they want to see less. By doing this, they are not eating what they do not like;

They will eat what they want. However, it is much easier to be against hatred than it is to love one.

When someone is against hate, they can act in a hateful way and then rationalize their behavior.



  • A cover-up

Someone like this can be disgusting, but because they hate the ‘right’ people, the right people according to a particular section of society, they will forget what is really happening to them. To someone who is not caught up in what is going on, it may be clear that this person is covering up what they say they are opposed to.

In the end, they will be drawn to this war because it will be a powerful competition for what is going on. But, because they are not fully aware of their own hatred, they can deceive themselves into thinking they are ‘better’ than their opponents.



  • Self-deception

This example sheds light on how good humans are at deceiving themselves. There are a variety of protections in place to prevent someone from contacting themselves.

One of the most commonly used protections is called 'projection', and someone else will see what they cannot accept within themselves elsewhere. This can happen when one hates others and one hates themselves.



  • The easiest option

Thanks to the protections they have, they can no longer see that they hate themselves and are loaded with shame. This part of themselves will then be planned for others so that they hate their reflection.

If they knew what was going on, they would not be fooled. This is why they are going to do everything they can to unknowingly prevent themselves from realizing the truth of what is going on inside them.



  • Deep change

With this in mind, if the world is to be a loving place, people living in this world need to be loving towards themselves. By loving themselves, they can be loving to others.

So, one can try to change the world by fighting hatred, but they are nowhere near, instead they are dealing with their own problems and being in love.

The problem is that the former will be more attractive to their ego-mind because it will allow them to gain a reasonable level of approval (ego love) and avoid themselves, while the latter will be nowhere near as much consent and will require the ability to deal with deep pain - this will only attract their true self.



  • Final thoughts

It is said that we do not come through the world, that the world comes through us, which means that human beings are not merely observers of reality; They are both co-creators and spectators of their experience.

If this really happens, someone's world will love them as much as they love themselves. On the contrary, by loving them more, the world will become more loving towards them.

This is the most important thing, how important it is for people to heal their inner wounds when they create the most loving planet. Oliver JR Cooper is a British author, author and consultant.

His introspective commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human change, including love, partnership, self-love and inner awareness.

With over two thousand, six hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope with his excellent advice.

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