Do You Know The Health Benefits Of The Shiitake Mushroom

Known as "oak lending," shiitake is also nicknamed "fungus carrying life" by Asians because it is packed with antioxidants: copper, selenium, vitamin D, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamins B2, B3, B6, PP as well as various polyphenols. Excellent for the skin, hair, shape, and health in general, it even seems that its virtues increase when cooked!

It boosts our immune defenses.

Shiitake is an immunostimulant; that is to say, it takes care of our immune defenses and better fights against infections of all kinds. His secret? Its polysaccharides increase the production of white blood cells, and its high content of lentinan, a complex sugar recommended for immunocompromised people.

Some consider it an antitumor because of this substance, but we do not know, scientifically, at what dose it should be used. Better to rely on it as a tonic, in case of physical or nervous fatigue, during convalescence, or after an operation.

It fights against cholesterol.

“ Because it contains a lot of fiber, it improves the lipid profile (of fats) by lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides, ” explains Dr. Serfaty Lacrosniere. This effect is amplified by eritadenine, a compound that lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. We can use these mushrooms in dry form (available in health food stores and Chinese grocery stores).

It promotes oral health.

Shiitake contains phosphorus, which regenerates tissue and is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Its other components also act against inflammation. This is why it is recommended, in decoction, to fight against infections of the mouth and gingivitis. We boil some mushrooms in water, ten to fifteen minutes, then filter and use it, cooled, in mouthwash, and the drink.

It protects the liver.

In January 2000, the Korean Food and Drug Administration approved the effects of extracts of the mycelium (filaments from spores) of shiitake to protect and relieve the liver from alcohol intake and the disastrous effects fatty meals. However, the studies having been carried out in vitro, it is better to remain reasonable at the table anyway.

It promotes transit

Because it has good fiber content, those who tend to constipation can slip it everywhere in their dishes: in soups, vegetable fricassees, as an accompaniment to meats. On fragile intestines, on the other hand, it can be a little irritating.

Warning! Shiitakes are available in fresh, dry, or powdered form (food supplements). It is cooked in many ways, in soup or a little olive oil. Start with small amounts, as it can trigger allergies (admittedly rare), bowel problems, or rashes. In Asia, it is recommended not to exceed ten grams per day. And to avoid any risk, they are not recommended for pregnant women.

Shiitaké: it's also good for the figure!

As we have said: shiitake is rich in fiber. However, dietary fibers are arteriogenic, which means that they require longer digestion and therefore regulate the feeling of hunger ... Top to avoid snacking at the end of the day.

Shiitake mushrooms are original, to say the least! It is, therefore, the ideal food to fight against food boredom and frustration. However, we know: frustration (which consists of eating steamed zucchini for lunch and dinner, for example, as part of certain restrictive diets) is the first step towards snacking and the yo-yo effect. Good point!

Also rich in zinc, shiitakes boost insulin action, which helps regulate blood sugar - the level of sugar circulating in the blood. Good to protect against diabetes ... but also to limit fat storage.

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