Birth time and your success According to Astrology....

Birth time and your success According to Astrology.

Life is different from the influence of the constellations of the planets, the position of the stars, at the time of their creation. Depending on how a person's birth time affects his or her life and the time of birth, know in which field he or she will be successful and what will he or she have to do for it.

According to Astrology, Birth time can explain your success.


Between Four and Six in the morning :

The faces of such individuals are attractive. Forty-eight, thirty-six, and thirty-seven years of life increase in life. The Sun plays a vital role in their success. The filed of management is fortunate for them.

Remedy: Regular recitation of Aditya Hardaya Strotam is successful and fortunate.


Between Six and Eight in the Morning :

During this period, the cost of living is higher. He or she should make an informed decision about a partnership. Medical and Law related work, business, job, etc. are successful.

Remedy: Regular watering to The Sun, who leads your bright fortune.


Between Eight and Ten in the Morning :

The social sphere of individuals born during this period is broad. They have more friends. The riches of yoga are simple and easy. It is beneficial to do any business in partnership. He has an active role in the field of politics.

Remedy: Watering Basil plants.


Between Ten and Noon:

People born in this period have achieved success in the field of business, job, business, etc. in their lifetime. Yoga is strong in the areas of management, business or politics, social work, gaining benefits, and respect. Sometimes the pride of success, profit, power, the chair gets them into trouble, the reason being their pride. They do all their work in a planned and timely manner.

Remedy: Anoint water to Lord Shiva.


Noon to Noon:

People born in this period are unbeaten in their business, job, etc. The fate of these species occurs after marriage. He has success in the company's account department, media, advertising, religious activities.

Remedy: You should donate to poor people.


Between Two and Four in the Afternoon :

Parents born in this period should be careful in dealing with money. Success related to finance, business, business, and employment. Caution should be exercised in legal litigation.

Remedy: Aditya Hardaya Strotra recitation and Sun-god should be offered.


Between Four and Six in the Afternoon :

Marriage undergoes drastic changes in the lives of those born in this period. Such a person is in direct contact with the general public. His work style also includes diplomacy. They are successful in the field of Law. If the Sun is right in Kundali, then fame is found.

Remedy: Watering a Bael tree daily.


Between Six and Eight in the Evening :

A person born in this period is successful if he performs work, trade, and jobs related to the happiness, peace, health, and entertainment of the ordinary people. Such people work seriously in their field of work.

Remedy: It is auspicious for these persons to keep the items received from the religious place in their place of work and accommodation.


Between Eight and Ten a Night :

A person born in this period easily wins the mind of another. His personality is impressive. They are more successful in the artistic field. They like to act according to their interests.

Remedy: Watering Basil plants.


Between Ten and Midnight:

Such varieties are rebellious from birth. They want to revolutionize society. Intellectual field, vehicle and transport-related work, media and journalism, television and communications related work, trade, and business success.

Remedy: Lord Shiva aqueducts and Bael leaves.


Between Twelve and Two at Night :

Such species prefer to be alone. Such varieties are resourceful and productive. They are beneficial to land-related work, trade, and job and work related to decoration, hotels, restaurants, clubs, eateries, vehicles, and electrical appliances.

Remedy: You should donate anything to the poor person once a week.


Between Two and Four at Night :

Such a person lives in the imagination. His or Her voice is imposing. His or Her words have a significant influence on other people. For them, the area related to bank, financial institution, vehicle, import-export, restaurant, etc. is beneficial.

Remedy: Lord Shiva has the unique benefit of watering and saluting the rising Sun.


These are some astrology remedies according to your birth time. It may help you to understand your future.



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I am an Astrologer and also working at Amazon affiliate marketing post. Working from home as freelancer.