7 ways to master yourself.

To master yourself, you need to be calm and composed. You must be able to understand things in the clearest way possible. If we try to achieve higher peaks, we must be tough and unbreakable even in the worst situations. So, I am going to explain 7 methods to you by which you can master yourself.

Be Independent

This is a very important rule that we need to follow in our life. Food, clothes, and home are the basic needs of humans and we all must be able to own them. Relying on these things on others will never allow you to master yourself. You need to be your own provider and if you are not, then you must start working for it from now on.

Maintain Self Esteem

People always cross their limits to impress someone, pleasure their body, and also in the greed of more money. We throw away our self-esteem like it is nothing. There must be a line of limit for everyone in order to act as a logical person. It makes no sense to play casino to get rid of your debts, to crush your respect for someone who does even feel for you, and to take drugs just for pleasure. No one should be allowed to mold our self-esteem according to their motive.

Explore Yourself

By this term, I mean you must be familiar with your own depths. You must know the reason and origin of your thoughts. Allow yourself to observe your thought process and make the best out of it. We always want to do something big in our life but we never try to learn the reason, the force behind it. Spend some time with yourself to realize the root cause of your existence.

Keep Positive Attitude

We all face a lot of problems in our lives and in the meantime most of us become frustrated. We forget that problems are a part of everyone's life and unfortunately, we release our frustration on others which is never a solution. However, this kind of negative attitude makes us weak. We rely on others to cry about our problems which makes our attitude negative towards our social life. Humans are social creatures and to master ourselves, we need to master our social life.

Be optimistic

We all think about the future no matter how much we try to stop ourselves. Human is divided into two sets in this ideology, one is optimistic who thinks in a positive manner and another is pessimistic who always thinks in a negative manner. The problem is, the future is our result, and if we think that no matter how hard we try the result is always going to be negative, our working efficiency decreases. That's why we should be optimistic in nature in order to increase our efficiency.

Daily Exercise

In order to master yourself, your body must be in a fit and fine state that allows you to work according to your plan. In order to always push your self towards betterment, you must work harder and that can't be done with a weak body. If you are not keeping your body fit and still don't feel any problem, then you are in trouble. Mastering your self can be attained once you master your own body and perform every task in the most precise way.


This is the most important aspect of mastering. Remember, it allows you to control your brain which is the force behind your every action. The emotions that drive us to do all kinds of foolish things that make us sad, happy, or angry can be controlled by which our actions will not be influenced by our emotions. Brain changes our behavior, thought process, and approach towards various things. This all can be controlled if you meditate daily. Also, this can be a process that can help you succeed. Controlling your emotions will stop you from overreacting or acting foolishly. Remember, this is the process that can allow you to examine your own existence.

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About Author

I am an engineer by profession. I have a keen interest in writing. I write about social life, lifestyle and education.

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May 8, 2024, 7:05 PM محمد جهانجير كوبر