7 Signs of Emotional Burnout

  7 Signs of Emotional Burnout

Here are seven signs that help you tell if you're emotionally burnt out.

No 1 : Chronically Fatigued

There's a difference between being tired and fatigued.

Emotional Burnout           Chronic Fatigued

Both are responses to stress errors. But tiredness goes away with a right amount of rest and recuperation. While fatigue is more enduring. When you're emotionally burnt out, it can feel like no amount of food, sleep or relaxation can make you feel better. You're exhausted all the time.




No 2: Not Taking Care of Yourself


Emotional Burnout    Not taking Care of yourself

Are there any concerning changes in your eating and sleeping patterns?
These changes are often the first and most prominent signs of emotional burn out. When you stop eating or sleeping right, it negatively impacts both your physical and mental health. People who feel emotionally exhausted often experience loss of appetite and lack of restful sleep.





In severe cases, some people even feel so drained that

Emotional Burnout  

they stop showering, exercising, brushing their teeth 
and dressing presentively altogether. 








No 3: Performance is Declining


Emtional Burnout    Performance Declining


Have you noticed the quality of your work go down lately?
Are you less productive at what you do?
Try comparing your performance from a few months or years ago to how it is today. And see if there's a significant difference. Emotional Burnout is a gradual process that takes place over an extended period of time. So it can be difficult to pinpoint when exactly your performance started to worsen. Looking at it from a long-term perspective can help you figure out whether or not.  You've just hit a temporary rough patch or if you're already suffering emotional exhaustion.


No 4: Emotionally Volatile   

Emotional Burnout    Emotional Burnout 


Do you often throw temper tantrums at the slightest provacation?
When you neglect your mental health and fail to satisfy your emotional needs.
It's harder for your mind to function as well as it used to.
This main manifest has difficulty controlling and maintaining their emotions.




Emotionally Burnout Emotional Feelings

If you're suffering from emotionally exhaustion, your feelings are likely all over the place. You become more sensitive and irritable. Frustration, pessimism, guilt and anger are common.
As well as feelings of emptiness and dread.
All of these are telltale signs that your mind is already crying for help.



No 5: Feel Down Most of the Time

Emotional Burnout    Lack of energy and motivation


According to a study lack of energy and motivation are to be expected in our early stages of grown-ups. With symptoms of anxiety and depression may develop overtime if the problem is left untreated. If you're feeling down more or not, it's time for you to start taking better care of yourself, mentally and emotionally.



No 6: Social Life is Goining Downhill

Being emotionally burnt out may cause you to have no energy or desire to spend time with your loved ones.
You tend to push away your friends and family without meaning to.

Emotional Burnout                                   Social Life is Goining Downhill


You find yourself neglecting your social laws and duties as a sibling, partner or friend. 
Emotional burnout is a very ugly and painful experience that often affects not just our mental health, but our social functioning as well. Infact Studies have shown that social withdrawal and isolation is one of the worst consequences of poor mental health. Causing a lot of people to suffer along - in silence.

No 7 : Feel hopless

Emotional Burnout     Feel hopless


Emotional burnout usually gives way of feelings of despair, emptiness and detachment.
You spend all of your time and energy mauling over the things you need to do. And end up leaving none of it for yourself and your well-being. You start to feel unfulfilled by the things that used to give your life meaning. And you find it hard to find any sort of pleasure at all anymore because you fear that nothing you do will matter anymore. You don't see the point of it all anymore - you give up.
In a culture that values achievement, success and productivity. It's easy to lose yourself in your work or your school. A lot of us has been brought up to believe that we must always push ourselves to excel and to do our very best all the time. However, it's important to know when to draw the line and find the time to care for ourselves.
And put our emotional needs first. Emotional Burnout is an easy trap to fall into-
But difficult to climb out of-- Fortunately though, it doesn't just happen overnight---
Self-awareness is key!


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