What Should Be the Strategy for Reducing and Removing the Emotional Pain

Is there something that is killing you emotionally?

Are you feeling like you are dying a slow death?

May be you are stressed out due to many issues or a loved one who is sick and the only time you feel better is when you go to sleep, provided you get the sleep right.

I am sure you must have only heard of physical pain and all possible solutions to alleviate the physical pain. And the best part is that you can see physical pain healing or worsening! 

But the emotional one, it's an arduous job to cure, to find the sources or the so-called origin. This makes it prolonged and the cure of the suffering takes a longer gestation period.

Like physical pain, emotional pain also demands a cure.

Did you ever think of the options to come out of the clutches of the emotional pain or trauma?

It's very much possible to eliminate this type of pain, if not eliminate at least lessen the same.

We need to strategize the whole thing i.e finding the source of the pain and earn some badly needed relief at the end of the day.



Identifying your emotional pain 

This is the most important segment of the strategy we are about to discuss. Just follow these steps meticulously -

  1. MAKE A LIST  - You must list everything that is making you feel anxious, angry, nervous, stressed, overwhelmed etc. Mostly this list is going to be private because most of us hold back our emotions. It could be that in the case of ladies they might not hesitate to share, whereas the males would prefer being tight-lipped! They hate sharing their deeper emotions! To all the male readers, please shed your inhibitions and come forward to share what is troubling you.
  2. FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS- I would recommend reading the list frequently and paying attention to your feeling as you read them. Carefully consider which of them could be the source of dominant emotional pain making your life painful. Also, pay attention to those sources that are no longer painful.
  3. KEEP REFRESHING THE LIST- Always carry a paper or make notings in the notepad when you notice another source of pain and add it to the list. What I mean is, you should keep updating your list regularly.

Now, since you have the list of sources that are suffocating you and dragging you down. Let's talk about the ways to start making changes when the emotional pain has bogged you down.

Here are some more things that you must remember-

  1. Only you have got the full authority over your thoughts.
  2. You can change the way you react to circumstances.
  3. Begin thinking that it might be possible to make a very small change.
  4. Small changes lead to more small changes and this will multiply.
  5. If you are willing to make even the smallest change you will begin to reclaim your power.

If you are experiencing pain that stops you from making your life better, adopting these ideas is a must and critical too.



Removing emotional pain 

Having identified the sources, now it's time to "nip in the bud". In fact, this maxim doesn't fit in here because your problems are already sizeable now. What I meant by quoting this here is that don't let the problem grow from this point onwards. The POINT is- the day you identify the source(s). Follow these points for the pain removal process-

  1. Refer to your list from "identifying your pain strategy" above and find the strongest source of dominant pain in the list.
  2. Write the dominant pain source on a piece of paper and spend a few minutes writing down how you would feel if the pain was completely manageable or eliminated from your life.
  3. Do five minutes of brainstorming to reduce or completely remove that cause of pain from your life.
  4. Pick three actions from the brainstorming list and complete actions over the next 7 days.
  5. Once you have completed three actions, choose three more actions from the brainstorming list.

The process may not remove all sources of mental and emotional pain, but it would help with some. In some cases, you may need the help of friends or relatives for some of your actions.

One of the research papers indicated that the sufferer opted for self-harm as one of the ways of obtaining emotional relief. This offers them an escape route from unwanted emotions, thoughts, and distressing situations.



Moving forward and feeling better

Different behavior always leads to different results. And taking action instead of giving up starts reshaping circumstances in your life. When you begin to remove or greatly reduce sources of emotional pain in your life, you may feel a sense of relief and empowerment that you haven't felt for a long time.

You may feel less confused or overwhelmed. Your original level of enthusiasm and motivation will begin to get restored.

But remember, your positive and affirmative thoughts will help you on all levels and will support you so that you can start feeling better & begin to reclaim your personal power by taking control of your life.

No matter how smaller the steps you take, you're still moving forward!



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About Author

I am an engineer turned content writer. I wrote travel stories for TRIPOTO for some time and articles in varied niches on other platforms. In 2016, I quit my job with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited to pursue my dream of having my own hospitality venture. During an official assignment to Shillong, I traveled a lot by road and found it very satisfying. I extended it further by doing road trips along with my wife & kids to South India & later to Himachal Pradesh. I was keen on exploring the waypoints en route, which otherwise would be left out if I chose quick trips by flight.