5 Types of Foods You Should Avoid to Reduce Stress Levels

Here are five types of foods that you should avoid to reduce stress levels.

1. Caffeine


One of the culprits is caffeine. Caffeine is not just in coffee; This may result in some surprising sources. Chocolate contains caffeine, tea, cola, some instant breakfast mixes, instant drink mixes, energy drinks, and other foods that contain caffeine.

Surprisingly some sods contain caffeine, which you will no doubt. Some brands of orange soda contain caffeine. When you have caffeine in them, be sure to check the label to see if you buy any of these items.

Today there are many decaffeinated options for many of these foods to choose from.

2. Sugar


Blood sugar imbalance leads to fatigue, confusion, mood changes, and weight gain. Sugar in itself is not bad for you; It is the amount of sugar in our diet that is the culprit. Like caffeine, sugar is hidden in many foods you eat.

Cereal is a good nutritious way to start your day, but if it is high in sugar, you can eat a few teaspoons of sugar instead; for example, fruit loops (3/4 cup) have 12 grams. Now, if you go to the subway and get a sweet onion Teriyaki chicken sandwich, it's another 17 grams of sugar.

Wash it down with Coke Classic, and you add 39 grams of sugar. There are 78 grams of sugar before supper. Dried fruits contain too much sugar. Dried cranberries contain 29 grams in 1/3 cup.

You have to read the label of processed foods you buy and keep in mind that any ingredient that ends in "ose" is a form of sugar.

3. High-fat foods

High fat foods

Foods high in fat not only increase your weight, but they can actually make your body have a harder time balancing your blood sugar levels.

The reason for this is that many type II diabetic patients produce insulin, but the insulin receptors there are blocked by fat cells. This may sound a bit strange, but type II diabetes is typified by the inability to use the insulin produced by your body.

A person who has fat in the middle of most of his body is at a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. Limit your high-fat foods such as bacon, full-fat cheese and milk, fatty cuts of meat, and fried foods.

Healthy options are low-fat dairy products, chicken, fish, pork, lean red meat, and baked rather than fried foods.

4. Processed foods

Processed foods

Many processed foods are not only high in calories, sugar and fat, but also sodium. If you are sensitive to sodium, you may experience edema (water retention) and high blood pressure from excessive consumption.

Eat as fresh as you can, and try to cook the dishes on your own instead of reaching for a boxed mixture. Cooking can be a stress deterrent, so you'll be killing two birds with one stone; Healthy eating habits and stress relief.

5. Alcohol


Basically, alcohol is empty calories. Your body converts alcohol into sugar, and it adds more stress to your system. Drinking once or twice at a time is fine, but excessive alcohol consumption is bad for your liver, kidney, and can cause weight gain.

If you are going to drink wine, try a glass of wine. Wines contain antioxidants and polyphenols, which are good for you. Like all good things, moderation is important when consuming alcohol.

Stress is a fact of life, but by avoiding these foods, you can help your body cope with the stress you are under. Eating a healthy diet and exercising can reduce stress levels. Try to do 30 minutes of exercise three times a week and eat a low-fat diet.

What to eat in season and eat as many fresh foods as you can, and you will give your body the fuel it needs to cope with stress and reduce its stress levels.

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About Author

Umesh Chaudhary, a professional content writer specializing in writing in various tantrums. But more than that, he has very good knowledge of SEO.