3 Yoga Exercises for Beginners - The Best Asanas for Beginners

Yoga is a very popular sport. It's no wonder because it has a relaxing effect and at the same time, the body is stretched and strengthened.

Anyone wanting to start doing yoga just needs a mat and the right exercises. You can build in short sequences in between or start the day in peace with yoga.

Don't worry, there are many yoga exercises that are suitable for beginners and that work well for the body. You will get to know the 7 best beginner exercises in this article. You will also receive tips on what to look out for and precise instructions on how to do the exercises correctly.

Tips for yoga beginners

There are various approaches and ways of performing yoga in yoga. But you will see that most of the exercises are not that complicated. Especially at the beginning you should deal with simpler asanas and concentrate mainly on your body. Everything else is secondary.

But there are still a few things that will make it easier for you to get started. Nothing can go wrong with our tips.

What you need

Beginners really hardly need any material for their yoga sessions. But what would definitely be an advantage are comfortable, not too loose clothing, a non-slip mat, and a quiet place in your apartment.

Tips for implementation

Even if the exercises are explained in detail here with pictures, it sometimes doesn't hurt if you also watch a video. This makes it easier for you to find your way into the exercise.

If you are very unsure, it is advantageous to take yoga lessons from trained trainers. These make you aware of bad posture so that you can correct them immediately.

At home, you can otherwise help yourself with video recordings of yourself. On the videos, you can recognize and eliminate your bad posture yourself. Filming yourself regularly practicing is definitely a good idea.

Take good care of your body

Above all, yoga is there to make you feel good. If you cannot cope with an exercise and it causes you discomfort or even pain, you can safely leave it out.

Of course, certain postures are always a matter of practice and can also be challenging. But if you don't feel comfortable doing it, swap the exercise for another.

Always try to breathe evenly and calmly. Also, breathe actively and take the time to breathe in and out deeply.

The exercises

There are of course many different postures in yoga. The following 7 asanas are well suited to get started as they are quite easy to learn and require a wide variety of body parts.

You can decide for yourself in which order you would like to carry out the exercises. You don't have to stick to a rigid order. However, I would recommend that you start and finish with the Shavasana (resting pose). You will find out why in the exercise explanation.

Hold the asanas for as long as you are comfortable with. So that they can develop their effects best, you should try to hold them for 20 to 30 seconds in the beginning. If that doesn't work right away, it's not a problem, it's a matter of practice.

If you feel very comfortable in a pose, feel free to hold it as long as you want. Especially at the beginning you should try out as much as possible what is good for your body and always listen to it.

Yoga exercise 1: resting pose (Shavasana)

The name resting pose describes it quite well: With this pose, you should rest and relax in yourself. This pose is at least the end of most yoga classes. But it is also suitable at the start to prepare for the yoga unit.

The Shavasana pose should be held for a few minutes. Take this time to let go of everyday life and relax. Especially when you are under a lot of stress, it is important to relax completely in between. If you want to do the exercise shorter, that's okay too. After all, the resting pose shouldn't be a compulsion, that would be counterproductive.

How to do the exercise:

Lie on your back and let your breath flow freely, trying not to actively breathe.

Stretch out your legs and place them about hip-width apart. The toes point slightly outwards.

Arms are extended towards the feet, palms facing up.

The head is nicely centered so that the spine forms a straight line. Pull your chin towards your chest so that your neck is nice and long.

Now just try to relax in this position and enjoy the rest.

If it is difficult for you to think about nothing, distract yourself with so-called thought journeys. Think of a beautiful place, such as the beach, and imagine everything exactly: what do you see, what do you hear, how does it smell there, ...?

Yoga exercise 2: the chair (Utkatasana)

This yoga pose has a particularly strengthening effect on your thigh muscles. It also stabilizes the pelvis and spine, and also stresses the back muscles.

How to do the exercise:

Stand upright on your mat with your feet hip-width apart.

Extend your arms up and forward, palms facing down. Keep your shoulders low and your elbows straight.

Now bend your knees and tilt your pelvis back slightly, as if you were sitting on a chair. The heels always stay firmly on the ground.

Tense the abdominal muscles and consciously breathe in and out. Always keep your back straight.

As time goes on, try to crouch deeper and deeper. However, your knees shouldn't go over the toe.

If you want to get out of this position, simply straighten up with your back straight.

Yoga exercise 3: the cobra (Bhujangasana)

This figure is supposed to simulate the upright posture of a cobra. This exercise strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. In addition, the chest muscles are stretched, which can contribute to better breathing.

How to do the exercise:

Lie flat on your stomach with your forehead on the mat. The heels are about hip-width apart.

Now place your palms flat, very close to your body, slightly above your chest, with your fingertips pointing forward. In doing so, remove your head from the mat and slowly stand up. Breathe calmly and evenly.

Now straighten your upper body vertebra by vertebra and lift your shoulders, chest, and stomach until your arms are fully extended. Straighten your head, your gaze is directed slightly upwards

Breathe in and out slowly a few times, enjoying the position.

Gradually come back to the starting position and lower your head, pelvis, shoulders, and stomach again.

Danger! Do not hyperextend your neck or back during this exercise. So make sure that your head is always in line with your spine.


Yoga is a great sport that strengthens your body while improving your flexibility. As a further bonus, you can relax and escape the stress of everyday life.

Yoga is a good addition to your other training. So be sure to try out our exercises! Without spending a lot of time, you are really doing your body and mind well.

Have you ever done yoga? If not, let's get on the mat. Let us know in the comments how you like the exercises and whether you like yoga.

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