13 great health benefits of lemon!

Lemon is the common name of citrus lemon. Lemons are eaten both with and without cooking. The fruit is mainly valued for its juice, although its shells are also used in cooking and baking.

In summer, when you are  tired of the intense heat, just a glass of lemonade is enough to breathe life . Not only as a juice but also to lose weight , many people drink lemon juice in the morning. But did you know that lemonade is not just for weight loss , you are getting many more benefits. Lemons have many benefits ranging from boosting immunity to keeping the stomach clean. 

Here are 13 great benefits of lemon,

1. Increases Digestion Power : Lemon juice removes toxins from the body. Lemon water also solves the problem of indigestion and heartburn.

2. Wound Healing : Ascorbic Acid in lemon helps to heal wounds quickly. Maintains good bone , cartilage and tissue health.

3. Keeps the stomach clean: Lemon water helps to get rid of unnecessary , harmful substances from the body. The result is better urination. The liver stays good. 

4. Boosts Immunity : Lots of vitamin C in lemons is sure to cure colds and coughs. Increases the capacity of nerves and brain. Cleanses the lungs and relieves asthma. 

5. Keeps skin blemishes free: Vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemon help to reduce skin wrinkles. Solves the acne problem by stopping bacteria. Keeps blood clean and removes skin blemishes. Lemons are rich in ascorbic acid. Lemon juice helps make collagen. This collagen protects the skin from wrinkles. This collagen does not give the impression of age. 

6. Increases Energy and keeps the mood good : Taking lemon increases positive energy in the body . Lemon helps to keep the mood good by keeping away anxiety and fatigue. 

7. pH Balance: Lemon helps to keep the body's pH balance correct. The citric acid in lemon acts as an alkali after metabolism. As a result, the pH balance of the blood is maintained. 

8. Keeps Breathing Good : Lemon keeps the lungs clean and keeps the breath fresh. After eating, wash your face with lemon water to get rid of bacteria. 

9. Lymph System: Drinking hot water with lemon keeps the body hydrated. Maintains the right level of fluid in the body and keeps away constipation, fatigue, and blood pressure good. It helps in good sleep. 

10. Lose Weights: Finally, let's talk about weights. The pectin fiber in lemon helps to reduce hunger. Get up early in the morning and drink hot water with lemon. Lemon water helps to choose which food to eat and which not to eat throughout the day. 

11. Protects our gums: Lemon juice is used to prevent bleeding and swelling of the gums. Vitamin C in lemon protects the gum. 

12. Prevents Cancer: The antioxidant in lemon can protect the body from cancer. The antioxidant of lemon juice stands against liver, bone, stomach, breast, and colon cancers. 

13. Prevents Kidney Stones: Citric acid may help to prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and increasing urine pH, creating a less favorable environment for kidney stone formation. 

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Munendra Singh - Jun 16, 2020, 5:18 AM - Add Reply

useful post.

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Labib Muhaimin - Jun 17, 2020, 2:02 PM - Add Reply


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