10 tips for optimal health

10 tips for optimal health

The possibilities of enjoying full well-being and, therefore, good health and a better quality of life, increase if healthy habits such as the following are adopted on a daily basis:



 1. Eat everything and in the right amounts.

The Mediterranean diet is the best ally to fulfill this premise.  It is characterized by a high consumption of cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes;  a high presence of fish, and somewhat less of white meat and dairy, as well as a low consumption of red meat.  The intake of fats of vegetable origin such as virgin olive oil or nuts also prevails.



 2. Eat five meals a day.

Have a strong breakfast, lunch, eat well, snack and light dinner.  And do it following regular schedules and, if possible, planning on a weekly basis what you will take at each meal.  In general, moderation should be the basic rule.



 3. Choose healthy cooking.

Remember that cooking, steam, the iron or the oven are excellent options for healthy cooking without sacrificing flavor, which you can enhance with spices and vinegars, but without overusing the salt.  Save fries and sauces for special occasions only.



 4. Hydrate as you need.

 Your body needs at least two liters of fluids a day to stay in shape.  Above all, we must drink water (six to eight glasses a day), although natural juices, infusions and broths can also be taken.



 5. Moderate the consumption of alcohol and do not smoke.

You don't need to cut out wine and beer entirely, because both beverages contain healthy nutrients, but men should drink no more than two to three glasses a day and women one and a half.  Tobacco itself must be directly suppressed, as it constitutes a risk factor when developing numerous diseases.



 6. Bet on active life.

 Flee from sedentary lifestyle.  In addition to the thirty minutes of moderate physical activity that the WHO advises daily, choose to incorporate habits such as walking instead of taking the car or taking the stairs instead of using the elevator.



 7. Sleep at least eight hours a day.

 Rest is essential for our body.  Your ability to concentrate will increase at work or in class and you will feel much more energetic to carry out any activity if you sleep at least eight hours a day and always follow regular schedules.


 8. Wash your hands often with soap and water.

 Especially after going to the bathroom or after sneezing or coughing.  Also take care of hygiene when cooking, avoiding, for example, contact between raw and cooked foods and keeping kitchen utensils and surfaces clean.  These measures are useful to prevent infections and infections.


 9. Mens sana in corpore sana.

 Being optimistic and feeling happy will increase your chances of enjoying good health too.  Set aside time for enjoyable activities and socializing.  When facing a problem, ask others for help and don't be afraid to express your opinions and feelings to people you trust.


 10. Go to regular medical check-ups and don't self-medicate.

 Undergoing regular medical check-ups can help you prevent and detect the onset of diseases early.  Also, whenever possible, get vaccinated to prevent infection and never self-medicate.  Remember that, by taking antibiotics without a prescription, you may be contributing to an increase in the resistance of pathogenic bacteria, in addition to exposing your body to adverse side effects.


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