10 Awesome Scientific Facts About Newborns


There are many ways by which we can describe infants. For some, they are beautiful and cuddly; For others, they are desperate and boring. Differences of opinion, in such a way that we often do not hear children describe themselves scientifically. Their tiny little bodies look like smaller versions of us; They behave very differently than newborns, such as in a flash. Months of age. This list is a scratch on the surface of spectacular actions and events on the body of a newborn.


     10. Mustache grows in the womb.


     In a study published in 1998, seven out of 3,000 children were found to grow a "moustache" while in their mother's womb. This was determined by ultrasound scans performed between weeks 14 and 16 after fertilization.


     [1] In this case, he did not think of the "moustache" as the researchers noted a "rod-like structure" on the fetus's upper lip. Seven embryos with this structure were monitored, and in all cases, the structure disappeared from birth, with no difference in the upper lip of newborns. However, the hair grows in the uterus and is often up to 16 weeks. This hair, called Lanugo, begins on the upper lip and runs throughout the body. It usually goes on before birth but is sometimes present at the time of childbirth.


     9. Test


     Babies have a taste in the womb and when they are born, they have enough. Scientists have shown that what a mother eats during pregnancy affects a child's food preferences in old age, as the fetus begins to taste various foods by absorbing amniotic fluid in the uterus. Due to taste buds, babies cannot detect salt for about five months. This is attributed to the fact that salt is not yet a dietary requirement for them and therefore should be restricted in their diet. Over time, a child's taste changes and sensitivity decreases, resulting in various reactions that can lead to first love.


     [2] If we keep all this in mind, what can we eat during pregnancy if we want our children to enjoy healthy food?


     8. Babies are born with about 300 bones.


     The number of bones in the average adult human body is 206. However, a baby is born with about 300 bones, which eventually fuse to form adult human skeletons as we know them. Also, the skeleton of a newborn is more cartilaginous than that of an adult. Using time and calcium, bones become stronger and stronger until they remain a solid skeleton. Very quiet, but why is this happening? A child's body is naturally soft and malleable. This is to help with delivery. Imagine that if their bodies were rigid and rigid as an adult, birth would be almost impossible! Therefore, skeletons are in infants' bodies until they enter the world, and these bones may begin to harden.

     [3] Another amazing natural work.


     7. They have no had kneecaps


     Despite having more than 100 legs as an adult, children do not have knees! This is not true at all. The child's skeleton at birth is cartilaginous, as discussed above. While the kneecap is the softest type of cartilage, it is one of the last bones to form a bone. It should also be noted that kneecaps are therefore not visible on radiographs, but are technically present. Knee braces will eventually recover fully in three to five years.


     Babies are blessed with this soft and flexible kneecap during the first few years of life as they need to crawl. Have you ever wondered why kneeling or crawling hurts, but it didn't happen when you were younger? That is exactly why. However, the formation of this bone is slow, as we often sit on it as children, which slows down this formation process. It is also the largest sesamoid bone in the body (ie, a bone that forms in the middle of a tendon). This is another factor that contributes to slower growth.

     [4] Think about it the next time you kneel and say that you are in pain because you are older. You will be 100 per cent right.


     6. The child's eye colour may change after birth.


     Our eye colour is made up of melanin, which is also responsible for the colour of our skin and hair. In the same way, sunlight can darken our skin and lighten our hair, it affects the eyes. White newborns often have blue or grey eyes at birth. As soon as the child opens his eyes, the light begins to produce melanin in the iris. This process can cause colour changes. [5] The biggest change in eye colour occurs between three and nine months, depending on the source you consulted. Subsequently, the changes will be more subtle than what is generally observed. Some people's eyes are still turning into adults and no, I'm not talking about contact lenses.


     5. They can swallow and breathe.


     Studies have shown that babies can suck, swallow, and breathe at the same time to promote breastfeeding. The amount of nutrients and oxygen the infant can receive during weaning depends directly on his ability to perform all of these tasks simultaneously, a skill that he gradually loses by age. However, it is incorrect to say that tasks take place in the same millisecond. Instead, it is a complex action known as the suction-swallow respiratory process. This allows infants full time to move, swallow and breathe their jaw, hyoid, tongue, palate, pharynx and larynx.


     ] Sometimes this pattern is learned with very little time and encouragement. One thing scientists have not yet understood is how the tongue works when drinking milk and when the baby exits the airway before breathing. Although many studies and theories have been presented, there is no clear answer. How to feed a baby can remain a mystery forever. What a smart bag!


     4. Children cannot smile until they are a few months old.


     A child's first smile is one of the most important milestones parents expect. It is seen as an important sign that you are doing well as a parent and a small bundle of joy is just as happy as you are. But his first smile was not intentional or in response to the feeling of happiness. Rather, it is similar to the hand and foot movements that children make when examining their range of motion.


     [N] This smile is called a reflex smile and usually disappears by the age of two months. The first real smile is usually between one month and a half and three months. However, you will not accidentally miss your child's first real smile. Reflexes reduce the smile and occur only when your child is tired or even asleep. Your first real smile will be a clear response to something and will last longer. In other words, as a parent, you just have to know! Parents can encourage their children to smile more often through explicit means of chatting, hugging, and playing with their children. Studies show that this degree of affection can lead to faster brain development in adulthood and greater social skills.


     3. Newborns do not produce tear


     No matter how loud they scream and how much they move, newborns do not shed tears! However, this is only a task they do to stop you at night for their revenge. This is simply because your tear ducts continue to develop after birth. The tear ducts will work between two weeks and two months of age.


      This does not mean that your eyes can produce water in the meantime, just that they cannot produce enough to shed tears. Unfortunately, developmental problems can be caught late by delaying the development of the tear duct. In newborns, such as blocked tear ducts, which can cause infection. To avoid prolonged opening of the tear ducts, it is important to pay attention to abnormal watery or scaly eyes in a child. Either way, it's crazy how much they can cry without crying!


     2. They have lots of unique reflections


     Reflex is an involuntary movement that occurs as a normal physiological response, such as when a doctor hits your knee and lifts your leg or when someone throws something at you and you feel about the movement. Huh. Caught without thinking. Some reflexes only occur in our bodies when we are very small before we slowly get over them. The common reflex seen in newborns is the Moro reflex. This is sometimes called a catastrophic reflex because it occurs when a child is surprised by a loud noise or sudden movement.


     Initially, the child will throw their head and legs back and before pulling them back. In a unique physical motion, which can be seen in a newborn, is the tonic neck reflex, also known as the position of the fence. As the child turns its head to the side, the arm of the arm will be straightened and the opposite arm will bend, hence the nickname "fencing position".


     It may be present in childhood after seven months. There is also a relapse, which can be fun to play with parents. If you stroke the palm of a child's hand, the hand will stop and hold and establish the concept's name. With some of these apparent reflexes, there are 70 others in less noticeable children.


     1. Newborns Know your taste in music 


     Newborns have been scientifically proven to remember things about the uterus that were previously thought to be possible. Studies have shown that infants have a liking for music that they listen to when they were in the womb, and have a liking for it at the age of one.


     [10] Even more surprising is that not only can they recognize the style of music that they were playing in the womb, but they can also remember specific songs! Other studies have shown that children are also at risk of specific types of music! He does not like to be heard and kicked. In general, it has been found in all studies that infants 'ability to recognize and respond to certain music heard in the womb is based on the same mechanisms that allow them to become familiar with their parents' voices. Perhaps we should be more careful when deciding what is in the car to balance while pregnant.



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