Why Jaggery & Honey better alternative product for sugar for weight loss?

Most people who try to go on a diet to lose weight are advised to cut down on sugar and switch to healthier alternatives or natural sugar sources, honey and jaggery included.

While Jaggery & Honey remain the most common choices, it's a misconception that they are true, the best sugar replacements. 

Here's why

While honey and jaggery are considered traditionally used sugar replacements, it doesn't necessarily equate to the health quotient. For example, most of us forget to note in the calories present in both of these additives and end up making mistakes. Watching or cutting down on calories is extremely important if you are on a weight loss journey.

How does jaggery help you lose weight also a better option for Diabetic?

Jaggery is used in many traditional Indian deserts, and of late, health-conscious people have started to opt for jaggery powders instead of white sugar. Jaggery is a rich source of potassium, magnesium, vitamins B1, B6, and C. Plus; it is loaded with good fiber amount, which removes toxins and helps clean your digestive system easily. Ayurvedic beliefs suggest that people begin their day with a cup of warm water and jaggery. Some also have it post meals to aid digestion. Jaggery also contains several phenolic compounds in it that fight oxidative stress and work to boost immunity.

Jaggery contains more or less the same number of calories as sugar does. Hence, by adding in more, you are also increasing your calorie intake. Jaggery also contains sucrose, which raises blood sugar levels and may be harmful to diabetic patients.

Jaggery also contains several phenolic compounds in it that fight oxidative stress and work to boost immunity.

Again, it's not free food. Jaggery contains more or less the same number of calories as sugar does. Hence, by adding in more, you are also increasing your calorie intake. Jaggery also contains sucrose, which raises blood sugar levels and may be harmful to diabetic patients.

If you don't go in for unadulterated, well-aged jaggery, you could be eating food with preservatives in it, which again, is not really helpful.

How does honey help in weight loss?

Sugar and honey are both sweeteners - the only thing that makes honey better is its natural composition. While sugar is made up of glucose and fructose (50-50 ratio), honey is also made up of sugar but contains only 30% glucose and a little less than 40% fructose. It also contains several other types of sugar molecules, which take longer to digest by the body and do not always get stored up as fat. This means this is comparatively healthier. Since it is known as an immunity booster and illness fighter, it also works to supply essential trace minerals, amino acids, nutrients, and antioxidants for your body.

Honey, when had with warm water, can detoxify the body and kick your metabolism, accelerating weight loss.

Sweeteners are usually made from the fruit or sap of plants, but can also be made from any other part of the plant, or all of it. Some sweeteners are made from starch, with the use of enzymes.

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