Why it's good to Laugh

What is laughter? 

When a person gives his response to a swan by listening to something or looking at a scene or reading a sentence, it can be called laughable. Laughing for many times a day it keeps the health good and keeps the spirit alive for the routine. For this reason, parents of young children also keep trying to make them laugh again and again so that the face of the child is fed.

Why is laughter necessary? 

Laughing gives the person energy which cannot be obtained by any medicine. When a person scolds another person, he gets sadness due to that scolding; even then, it is necessary to laugh at his sadness. When life becomes dull due to the sadness in the life of a person, it is necessary to laugh. A person cannot overcome the sadness of his life without laughing. Because of laughter, there is enthusiasm for new works in life, and a full heart is also felt in works.

Different ways of laughing:

  1. laughter is the response of a person, in which even the greatest grief can be hidden. Like humans, they also have different types of laughter. Just as a person laughs very loudly, seeing his laughter makes other humans laugh too. And some person laughs so slowly that no one can hear his laughter, he pretends to smile with a slight smile. 
  2. A person keeps laughing all day on something so laughable that many times others also get jealous of his laughter. Many people like to laugh so much that they laugh even for the smallest things; they do not hide their laughter even in the atmosphere of sorrow. Even if those human beings are put up with bad data, they still do not stop laughing. We can also identify them by their way of laughing.

Different ways of laughing humans: 

  1. We must have seen many such places in the world where laughing tricks or things are done, which we can call a theatre of laughter. There, the artists of laughter try to make other human beings laugh with their new antics or talk, and they also become very successful in their efforts. Many films have also been made for laughing in the world. Many people like to write and speak jokes for laughing and today are presently made as cartoons inspired by small jokes so that humans can be entertained with laughter, which people also like very much. That's why film artists also believe that laughing and laughing at others is very difficult to work, but those artists like to do the hard work of laughing.
  2.  Man today tries to find new ways of laughing. Humans have understood the need to laugh so much that they take time out for this, so they like to laugh more and laugh at others as well. We must have seen that many humans, along with road animals, also work with animals and birds to make others laugh and also earn money from them.

How many benefits of laughing?

There are many benefits of laughing when we start feeling full of pressure and stress, then to get rid of that pressure and stress, we should laugh. In order to reduce stress in this competition filled life, laughter is the treatment that reaches human beings. And there is no medicine that can reduce stress. Many human beings get caught and drown in addiction due to stress; it spoils their health. Therefore, when children laugh at small things, there is an energy effect on them, and they use more in playing energy. Similarly, the elders also do their work by receiving energy with laughter.

Laughter is related to health:

Laughter is good for your health. Often some humans say that blood increases due to laughter and blood speed is fine, and if blood speed is right in the body, then human remains away from diseases. That is why we have often seen that our elder elders, when they go to the park in the morning or evening, try to laugh loudly in a place so that their blood moves properly and that they have good health. And spend their lives.

Example of laugh and laughing: 

To laugh and to laugh, we can remember the famous comedian Charlie Chaplin. He spent his life as a comedian laughing at the world and making the world laugh a lot. Even today, there are millions of his actors who will remember him for years and keep laughing.


Laughing is that enthusiasm of life, which will never be reduced. If someone laughs more, then someone laughs less, but he definitely laughs, and the man takes time for this.

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Sep 1, 2020, 12:15 PM - Asadudjamun Faisal
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