Why is sunflower important for your health?

Sunflower is an annual plant. It is a crop in the Middle East that has become a major commercial crop worldwide through European explorers. Today, the Russian Federation, China, the United States, and Argentina are at the forefront of sunflower cultivation.

The flower stalk can grow up to 3 meters. The flower is 30 cm in diameter and contains large seeds. The scientific name of Sunflower is 'Helianthus.' The name is derived from the Greek words helios (sun) and anthos (flower). Sunflower grows well in moist, fertile soil. Loves good sunlight. For traditional varieties, there is a large flower at the top. Unlike indoor farming, each farm has more than one branch. Sunflower has two types of flowers. With large, yellow petals (ray flowers), Sterile, several small flowers together in the middle together. These central flowers later develop into edible seeds.

 Health benefits of sunflower seeds: -

Delicious, nutritious sunflower seeds are widely considered one of the healthiest foods. They are high in energy; 100 grams of seeds provide 584 calories. Also, it is one of the best sources of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. It is rich in Vitamin-E, an antioxidant. It helps prevent signs of aging in the body. Vitamin-E is not only good for the skin but also for the hair. Regular intake of sunflower seeds helps in maintaining a healthy hair structure. Sunflower seeds also contain minerals such as iron along with antioxidants. Iron increases oxygen levels and enables better blood circulation. It brings blood flow to the scalp and stimulates hair growth. It is an excellent nutritional supplement during the fall. Lack of moisture in the environment can cause problems such as hair loss and dandruff. Sunflower seeds help in dealing with this. Sunflower seeds contain linoleic acid, a poly-unsaturated fatty acid. 'LDL.' Or lower 'bad cholesterol' and 'HDL.' Or 'good cholesterol' in the blood. Research suggests that a 'monosaturated' fat-rich Mediterranean diet may help prevent coronary artery disease and stroke.

D Dietary Reference Intake recommended nutrition of dried sunflower seeds (.25 cups / 35g) Nutrient DRI - Dietary Reference Intake, Vitamin-E 82%, Vitamin-B1 43%, Selenium 34%, Phosphorus 33%, Manganese 30%, Vitamin-B6 28%, Magnesium 27% and Falls 20%. Sunflower seeds are used to make cooking oil. Specially flavored sunflower oil is suitable for all dishes. Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin-E. Therefore, as an antioxidant, it fights free radicals, which can cause cancer. Vitamin-E helps prevent asthma, rheumatism, and colon cancer. Magnesium levels help prevent muscle soreness and relax the brain. For the longest Sunflower, the world record is a sunflower plant grown by Hans Peter Schiffer in Germany in 2014. (30 feet, 1 inch).

Sunflower is the state flower of Kansas, United States.

It is also the national flower of Ukraine.

When sunflowers have buds, they exhibit an unusual behavior known as 'heliotropism.' This is the nature of the buds, who are always facing the sun… The bud has a peculiar habit of facing the sun at the beginning of the day, and the same bud is facing the sun in the west in the evening.

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