What is Top 3 Reasons for Negative Thoughts?

The more jealous and discontented we feel. As a result, there are physical illnesses and conflicts in a relationship The only reason behind all this was one belief system Life is a competition. If we change this belief today My life is my journey. Suppose two cars are on the road They are both on their Journeys. Both were being driven smoothly. Both have different capacities. Both were driven differently and smoothly. But while driving even if one of them creates a thought Let's race Thereafter that journey will change for both the drivers. Life is a journey that I need to travel my way Using my value system At my speed Along with my personal and professional life I need to travel based on my Sanskar send karmas There are two belief systems Life is a competition. Life is a journey as per my Sanskars send Karmas.

Which of the two is right? We will know only when we experiment with them. This is my belief system creates our thoughts. Thoughts create our destiny. It's very important to have the right belief system. The other source of thoughts is past experiences. Our past experiences which are not healthy and not clean We need to change them here. We cannot change the past But what we have recorded about that past We can certainly change that and heal the mind. The third source of thought Belief system, past experiences. And the third is information. Information means everything that we hear, read, and watch. These three are sources of our thoughts. This is what makes the role of media so important today. Media is what the world listens to, reads, and watches. Every line and every presentation by media Is creating thoughts of the world. It is creating people's perspectives. It is creating people's Sanskars. And these Sanskars are in turn creating their Sansar (world). So the media has enormous power. That is why we need to take care of the information.

Every morning we compulsorily need to set aside one hour for ourselves. So that we make this foundation strong every morning. Let's change a small habit. It's a habit which we have only created. It will take a few days but it's very easy to change this habit. The first habit to change is Presently we looked at our phone the moment we wake up. The moment we look at the phone It's not that we spent 1 hour looking at it. We have so many other things to do in the morning. But we just glanced through for five minutes Even because of seeing it for 5 minutes What we did is, we filled the mind with information of the outside world. Because we saw news headlines, social media, work emails, or messages When we checked all these things We consumed information of the outside world. When we filled information of the world inside our mind Then the emotions and matters of the world The same quality of emotions will start getting created here. The mind is like a blotting paper. It will be absolutely fresh in the morning. So its absorption power will be at the highest at that time. It's very important to pay attention to what we put into it for the first two hours every morning. If not 2 hours, for at least 1 hour We need to be very careful.

There are specific 2 hours of the day, which are very important. The first 1 hour as soon as we wake up And the last one hour before we go to bed at night. Because the first layer of information for the mind comes from the first one hour in the morning. It Lays the foundation for our thoughts throughout the day. Similarly the last layer of information on our mind at night 1 hour before sleep Those thoughts work throughout the night So both these times are very important. We want to start thinking pure, powerful, right, and positive But we consume news of the world early in the morning The quality of our thoughts becomes the same as the quality of that information. Just experiment this for 1 month. That we will not look at our phones during the first hour of the day. Soon after waking up let's give gratitude to God. So that we begin our day with higher frequency, with gratitude. And then create a few elevated thoughts or affirmations for yourself.

Whatever you want as a reality in your life Create those thoughts in the morning Whatever you want in your life, create that first here in your mind Simple thoughts like I am a peaceful being. I am a powerful being. My body is perfect and healthy. My family is united. Success is certain for me. Very important though I am God's child. I am filled with God's knowledge and powers. I am protected by God's powers. God is constantly present to me. I am never alone. Every morning just creates such 8 to 10 very high energy thoughts. Very high energy thoughts Even before you get out of bed. Because if we don't create elevated thoughts by then Then the mind will already start creating thoughts about other matters of the day. Instead of thinking about the self, It will start thinking about the outside world. So give your mind the right thoughts as food early in the morning.

For the next 30 minutes to 1 hour, spiritual study. At the Brahma Kumaris, we come to the center every morning for one hour of spiritual study. Because one of our changes our way of thinking for the entire day. Maybe you can start even with 30 minutes of spiritual study in the morning Which means spiritual wisdom Which has divinity, purity, power Compassion, acceptance Forgiveness, letting go Respect, unity Everything that we want to see in our Sansar (world) We need to first create all of them in our Sanskars. To create them as our Sanskars We need to first fill our mind with those qualities. Sanskar won't be created unless we fill them in our minds. 30 to 60 minutes or spiritual study every morning. And then connection with God. Rajyog meditation means A personal relationship with God. Talk to God about everything in your life. Talk about everything you plan for that day. What's going on at home or at the workplace Have a personal conversation with God. Be an instrument of God. Surrender yourself saying - I am your instrument. Use me today throughout the day to give happiness to everyone. To serve everyone.

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