what is the corona virus.Why people very afair to this virus.


Corona virus that is the very dangerous for our body and that is not effect on only nose ,it is affect on all body but corona virus how to burn and where to come and what type effect of corona virus and how can we defence and protect our body.

1. corona virus that is very effective and very dangerous,if corona virus go in body then people body become  like:-heavy body and this type of people body illness and propare type body came in body.

2.corona virus it is effect on body first part of body nose to very effective to this virus and after then mouth and on heart it is also effective that very more effective virus .

3.How to kill people this virus that is going for the people body which directly effect on heart bit ,and heart bit going to very hardly after then people diad.


4.corona virus how it spreads that is very dangerous is very increasing and it is going to sea food those poeple eat sea food there are come in this virus .

5.That is go to the at U.S,malasia,coronasia,extra more place there you can easy to get this virus and in this virus maximum 800 above poeple cama in this virus and china have 1000 above people came in this virus

6.but in India also came this virus only get two people those stray in sea and water place which is very effective place there people can came under the this virus.

.7.These place have corona virus those which is came in corona virus and those place nearst of china that is go in corona virus .

but that is not reallity it virus came in sea food this virus came not to only any animal if this virus came is before time but is not came how to suddenly came .

reality china making some biomachine type of chamical machine but some where to this virus lik and this virus go in any one people of china after then that is dicreabe every place in china.that is reality .

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