What is diabetes and types of diabetes

When talking about diabetes, you may be frightened by the thought that you may have it. Or maybe, in the future, you might. You want to know if you are at risk for diabetes and if you have any symptoms of diabetes.

Diabetes affects the way the body handles carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are regulated by insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits. If neglected, diabetes can lead to serious problems.

Diabetes is a serious disease. But the shocking truth is that diabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The disease is a condition in which the body cannot control blood sugar levels automatically, resulting in high blood glucose (sugar). Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects approximately 16 million Americans.


Symptoms of diabetes;

In fact, there are no obvious symptoms of diabetes. The most common symptoms of diabetes are as follows:

- Always thirsty

- Frequent urination

- Increased appetite

- Feels tired at all times; Extreme fatigue,


On the other hand, some other symptoms of diabetes are actually referred to as diabetes problems. These features are:

- Vision changes;

- Often, skin diseases are complicated to cure;

- Tingling or numbness in your extremities;

- Gum disorders;

- Hair falling and more.

There are two major types of diabetes;


Type I diabetes (juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes): The cause of type I diabetes is the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin.

Type II diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes or adult-onset diabetes): This type of diabetes results in the body's tissues becoming resistant to insulin. It is usually inherited.

Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong disease that causes high blood sugar. Conditions associated with type 2 diabetes include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% to 95% of all cases of diabetes. Two-thirds of people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms at all. Obesity is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that approximately 20% of new type 2 diabetes cases occur in people aged 9-19 years. The more you know about type 2 diabetes, the more steps you can take to control your condition.


Diabetes is a serious disease, and there is no cure for it. However, it can be controlled with a proper diabetic diet. If neglected, diabetes can lead to various problems such as kidney damage, heart disease, nerve damage, and hypoglycemia (severe decrease in glucose levels).,

In a low carbohydrate diet, limiting carbohydrate intake to 5 to 10 percent, such as protein and fat, is a priority in eating habits to avoid their satisfaction and appetite. One can avoid the craving for sweets while maintaining a sense of fullness, and this is a good reason for people with diabetes to diet low in carbohydrates to control their condition. Following this type of diet prevents a high intake of carbohydrates, which can lead to high blood sugar levels.


Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot process flour and sugar properly. For a diet suitable for people with diabetes to work, it must be low in ***, high in fiber, and packed with minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. It is also important to include foods that have a low glycemic index. The foods allowed in the low-carb diet are meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, fish, and some selected vegetables.


Hu. Although some sources say that it is not recommended for people with diabetes to eliminate carbohydrates, carbohydrates are important in the diet because they serve as the main energy and nutrients in our body. On a diabetic diet, you can eat large amounts of carbohydrates, but authorities recommend not taking less than 130 grams daily. On the other hand, studies show that a low-carb diet does not adversely affect insulin, glucose, blood pressure, or cholesterol levels. It should also be noted that the diet can be modified to suit their specific needs. In this regard, before following any diet, be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you are getting all the right nutrients that can help you control your condition. Doing so will also help you identify areas of the diet you need to change for a more proper eating habit.


Limiting the number of carbohydrates in your diet can help you lose weight by reducing calorie intake or successfully maintaining your ideal weight. Keep in mind that with weight loss, blood sugar and insulin levels in the body naturally improve. Weight loss of just 10 percent is also a significant improvement in controlling diabetes.


Also, weight loss is part of your goal of achieving better health to make your condition more bearable, making it very easy to follow a carefully planned diet along with an exercise plan. Two dozen repetitions with daily walks and free weights are good low-impact exercises that you can follow. Regular exercise is not only in the fight against diabetes; It also promotes a sense of well-being that helps maintain the right attitude to living a healthy life.

Diabetes treatment has become a common disease among people these days. This is due to improper management of carbohydrate metabolism within the body. Diabetes ***** Symptoms include high productivity, loss of appetite, thirst, and weight, blurred vision, delayed skin healing, frequent infections, and severe fatigue. Diabetes has become a serious problem for human health. It indicates high blood sugar and *****.


Therefore, when it comes to treating diabetes, the main concern should be to control blood sugar, which is the main cause of diabetes. Maintaining blood sugar is a step in this diabetes treatment program. To overcome the complications of diabetes, it should be taken seriously, and some good diet or healthy exercise should be adopted. In addition to doing this, some people resort to insulin and other types of program medicine to recover. Frequent testing of blood sugar shows how much you have improved to maintain your blood sugar level properly. It is important to find the right amount of glucose in the blood until you know the problems associated with this disease. It mainly depends on age, e.g., Assuming there is no complication at a young age, the optimal range of glucose is 80-120 mg / dL, and in old age, it is 100-140 mg / dL.


The diabetes program includes some specialized self-medication such as eating a good and appropriate diet, getting proper exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and maintaining medication. In terms of a good and adequate diet, it does not suggest taking all the dull food that you are not interested in but having more fruits, vegetables, and grains means you should consume more nutritious foods. Must know and low *** and calories. Avoid consuming sweets and animal products without any restriction. The main part of this diabetes treatment program is to challenge yourself in this task. Otherwise, the program will be challenging. Consult any dietitian about the meal plan and try to maintain the same amount daily at the prescribed time according to your diet plan.


You need to be careful about aerobic exercise while doing proper exercise. In this diabetes treatment program, you can choose between daily exercises like morning or evening walking, jogging, hiking, biking, swimming, and other cardio and lung exercises. Keep in mind that it is essential to give consistency in your exercise process to get the best results.

Try to maintain weight according to your activity level and age because being overweight makes your cells more resistant to insulin. Creating an appropriate weight loss plan and following it will make its results more effective.


Medicine plays a vital role when it is sometimes found that good diet and exercise do not benefit. Insulin is injected when needed in this type of diabetes program. Since it cannot be taken in pill form, some people inject it with a syringe or take it with an insulin pump.

So now it is clear that diabetes can always be controlled if we pay serious attention to diabetes daily. Although diabetes may seem like lifelong suffering, it is not for the rest of your life. You need to remember that the disease is under your control if you are disciplined at every stage of your treatment program.


Disclaimer: This information was not submitted by the physician and is for educational and informational purposes only. Content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care provider if you have any questions regarding your medical condition. Never ignore professional medical advice or delay what you read.

Since natural and/or food ingredients are not approved by the FDA, they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on product labels: the FDA has not evaluated the statement, and the product is "not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease."


Recommended foods for diabetes:

Brewer's East

Brewer's yeast is excellent food. This mineral is rich in traces of chromium. This mineral helps the pancreas to produce more insulin. It is excellent support for the normal management of sugar by the body. Dr. Richard J. in Medical World News. According to Dozi et al., Brewer Yeast reduces insulin requirements in many people with diabetes.


Broccoli, a close relative of cauliflower, has long been a popular food in Europe. This vegetable has proven to be an effective anti-diabetic food. It is a rich source of chromium, a trace mineral that lowers blood sugar. This trace mineral regulates blood sugar, which often reduces the need for diabetes medications and insulin. In mild diabetic cases, chromium can prevent complete disease. If a person has a glucose tolerance limit, chromium can help control it. Low blood sugar levels can also be normalized with chromium.



Yogurt injects friendly bacteria into the digestive system that stimulate the pancreas. It also washes away the acid and waste pancreas. These cleansing actions allow the pancreas to function better and thereby help in insulin production.


Garlic and its components have been found in scientific tests to lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. This vegetable is rich in potassium, which effectively replaces the large amounts of potassium lost in diabetic patients. It also contains zinc and sulfur, which are components of insulin. Some officials believe that low zinc levels may be one of the factors contributing to the onset of diabetes. Garlic also contains manganese, the deficiency of which can lead to diabetes.


Parts of garlic work by preventing insulin inactivation in the liver. The result is high blood insulin levels and low blood sugar.

In addition to lowering blood sugar, garlic has other benefits for people with diabetes. It prevents atherosclerosis, a common problem of diabetes, and relieves the body from payment. People with diabetes can take garlic equally with one or two cloves raw or in food or any form cooked in capsule form. Garlic Milk Garlic milk made by mixing four cloves of garlic in 110 ml of milk is a good option. However, the best way is to chew the green garlic thoroughly in the morning.

Village of Bengal

Bengal gram, also known as chickpea, is an important ingredient widely used in Indian food. It is a valuable anti-diabetic food. **** Experiments have shown that taking a gram of water extract increases glucose consumption in normal people with diabetes. In a study conducted at the Central Food Technological Research Institute in Mysore, the insulin requirement for chronic diabetics was reduced from 40 units to 20 units per day, including a generous supplement of Bengal gram extract.


Diabetic patients who are not severely restricted in carbohydrate intake but on a limited diet containing generous amounts of Bengal gram extract can improve their fasting blood glucose levels, glucose tolerance, sugar urination, and general condition.


Bitter gourd is a common vegetable grown on a large scale. It has excellent medicinal properties. This vegetable has been used as a medicine for diabetes since ancient times. Research has shown that it has an insulin-like formula designated as plant-insulin, which is beneficial in lowering blood and ***** sugar levels.

Cauliflower should be widely included in the diet of diabetics and diabetics.


The juice of three or four bitter gourds on an empty stomach every morning is much more effective than eating fruit. Bitter gourd seeds can be dried and added to the regular diet. A decoction made by boiling chopped bitter gourd is as powerful as water mixed with its dry liquid foods.

Kakarakaya is rich in essential vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and iron. Therefore its regular use can prevent many problems associated with diabetes, including high blood pressure, eye problems, neuritis, and defective metabolism of carbohydrates.


Blackberry is the most valuable pulse in India. It is an anti-diabetic diet. Treatment and effective cure for the mild type of diabetes by taking half a cup of fresh bitter juice of sprouted raisins. It should be taken once a day for three to four months, with a limited intake of carbohydrates.


In severe diabetes, regular use of this combination is an effective supplement to other treatments. It is useful health food to prevent the problems caused by malnutrition in diabetes. Milk made by grinding sprouted whole black foil is also recommended for people with diabetes.


Peanuts are valuable in diabetes. Eating a few peanuts a day for diabetics can prevent malnutrition, especially niacin deficiency, and prevent development problems.
Recommended foods for diabetes
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Brewer's East

Brewer's yeast is excellent food. This mineral is rich in traces of chromium. This mineral helps the pancreas to produce more insulin. It is excellent support for the normal management of sugar by the body. According to Dozy et al., Brewer's yeast reduces insulin requirements in many people with diabetes. Dr. Richard J. in Medical World News.

1550 BC, the famous Ebers Papyrus recommended treating diabetes with high fiber wheat grains. Nothing much has changed since then. Plant foods are the medicine of choice for the treatment of diabetes. Many scientific research results are confirming the effectiveness of plant foods in the management of this disease. Over the centuries, more than 400 plants have been identified, used, and prescribed to treat diabetes.


Raw onions and garlic have long been favorites for diabetics in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Bitter gourd and herb ginseng have been widely used in India and China since ancient times to treat diabetes. Common mushrooms are widely used in some parts of Europe to lower blood sugar. Bread is a popular treatment for diabetes in Iraq. Other foods used in the treatment of diabetes in various countries include beans, cabbage, cinnamon, coriander seeds, cucumber, dill seeds, Indian gooseberry, and lettuce.


All of these foods have anti-diabetic properties. Scientific research has shown that these foods, or their compounds, lower blood sugar or stimulate insulin production. Discussed here are some important foods that can help lower blood sugar or stimulate insulin production in people with diabetes.


Artichoke is a tuber with a sunflower-like top. These vegetables contain good amounts of potassium, affordable calcium, and some iron and sulfur, which are essential for maintaining good health.


Artichoke is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes as it has high insulin content. Fully ripe artichokes are said to contain more than two percent insulin. Ripe tubers are usually only available in the fall or fall. In winter, insulin turns into sugar. Eating raw artichokes in salads is very effective. It requires cooking; Boil them in a small amount of water for about 10 minutes, without peeling them. Beets can be effectively combined with other vegetables.


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