What are the symptoms of diabetes, know 5 surefire ways to avoid diabetes

Patients who have more than normal blood sugar are often disturbed by polyuria (frequent urination). They feel more thirst (polydipsia) and hunger (polyphagia).


Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which glucose (blood sugar) in a person's blood exceeds normal. This happens when the body does not make insulin properly or the body's cells do not react properly to insulin. Patients who have more than normal blood sugar are often disturbed by polyuria (frequent urination). They feel more thirst (polydipsia) and hunger (polyphagia). Type 1 diabetes does not produce insulin in the body. About 10 percent of diabetes cases are of this type. Whereas type 2 diabetes does not make enough insulin in the body. 90 percent of diabetes cases worldwide are of this type. The third type of diabetes is gestational diabetes, which occurs in women during pregnancy. He said diabetes could be kept under control by maintaining proper exercise, diet, and body weight control. If the diabetes is not controlled properly, then the chances of heart, kidney, eyes, foot, and various neurological diseases are increased in the patient. 

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Diabetes Causes

1. Lifestyle: Sedentary lifestyle, an excessive amount of junk food, consumption of fizzy beverages, and bad eating habits can lead to diabetes. The possibility of diabetes also increases by sitting continuously for hours.

2. Overweight, obesity, and physical inactivity: If a person is not physically active or obese, his weight is more than normal, then the probability of diabetes increases. Excess weight impedes the formation of insulin. The location of body fat also affects it. The accumulation of excess fat on the stomach impedes insulin production, resulting in type 2 diabetes, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In such a situation, a person should keep a check on his weight while monitoring his BMI (body weight index).


3. Genes and family history: Some special genes can increase the chance of diabetes. People who have a history of diabetes in their families have a higher chance of this disease.

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How to Avoid Diabetes Prevention

1. Exercise regularly: Sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of diabetes. At least 30-45 minutes of exercise daily is necessary to avoid diabetes.

2. Balanced diet: Eating the right foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains at the right time is very beneficial. Do not remain empty stomach for a long time.

3. Control weight: Control weight by proper diet and regular exercise. Low weight and proper diet can cure diabetes symptoms.


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4. Adequate sleep: Sleep seven to eight hours is important. During sleep, our body removes the toxins and repairs the wear and tear in the body. Waking up late at night and sleeping late in the morning increases the chances of diabetes and high blood pressure.

5. Avoid Stress: Stress has become an essential part of everyone's life today. Try to keep yourself away from stress through recreational and social activities. Also, the consumption of cigarettes during stress increases the chances of diabetes further.

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