Top five ways to reduce electricity bills

According to the "Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources" records, the number of electricity customers in the domestic sector increased by 1.3% during the epidemic. Similarly, domestic electricity consumption has also increased. This is because many people turn on lights, fans, air conditioners, computers, and many other facilities at home for longer. Although saving electricity is a difficult task but not impossible. You can start with small steps, which, when done continuously, can effectively reduce the electrical load.

How to save electricity at home?

Uncontrolled use of electricity can get you in financial trouble. To avoid this, you can try the following ways to save electricity.

Use lights as needed:When and how to use growing lights – Botanium

Turn off the light during the day. Also, open all the windows and doors of your house from morning to afternoon, so that the natural light can illuminate the house. This method of saving electricity will not only save your bill at the end of the month but will also ensure better air circulation in the house. Don't forget to turn off the lights while you sleep, or use very little light while sleeping. Besides, research says that sleeping in a dark room can improve sleep quality. So, you can wake up refreshed and avoid various diseases.

Charge the phone in airplane mode:Do Smartphones Really Charge Faster in Airplane Mode? | HowStuffWorks

Charging the phone in switch off condition or in airplane mode will make the mobile phone charge more quickly. Conversely, avoid using cell phones while charging, so that the battery does not heat up too quickly.

Unplug the charger when not in use:To Connect, Unplug – Keep The Talk Going

Nowadays, many people work from home; they should use a laptop instead of a PC, as it is more energy-efficient. Also, make sure that when your laptop battery is fully charged, unplug the laptop charger. Also, the cellphone charger must be unplugged from the switch if it is not needed. This method of saving electricity will put less load on your home's electricity.

Use AC wisely:

6 Home cooling tips to save energy - News | 110% Green

Use air conditioner (AC) during the day to a minimum, instead try fans and open windows so that the home environment is not too hot. But when you turn on the air conditioner, make sure the doors and windows are closed so that your room cools down quickly. If possible, use curtains that block the entry of sunlight. Don't forget to turn off the air conditioner when not in use. Besides, always perform periodic servicing so that the AC can operate efficiently and does not draw too much power.

Using energy-efficient electronic devices:What are the Key Features of an Energy Efficient House? | Riverbend

You can save electricity by using energy-efficient electronic devices such as LED lights. There are currently several types of electronic devices that can be connected to smartphones, which automatically save electricity.

Some people also choose to change the electricity meter at home from subscription to prepaid system (Pulse). This step does not necessarily guarantee power savings. But with this, you can know and control energy consumption at home.

Friends, if you keep these small but important things in mind, by this you not only save your electricity bill but by doing so, your electrical appliances also do not deteriorate quickly.

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