Top 5 things to do every morning

Someone has said very well that "If you win your morning you win your day".We have blessed another chance to live a better life and we can make the most out of our day and thus out of our life if we begin our day in a proper state of mind. Your morning habits can your whole day energetic. Here are 5 things that boost your health to the next level.

1. Begin your day with sunlight :

Most of the people first check the notification on social media, check the work mail or charge phones, watches, tablets, or laptops the first in the morning. Don't do this. "Charge yourself with positivity".First of all, you have to take sunlight at least for 5-10 minutes. When sunlight hits our body, the brain release a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting our mood and activate our brain. It also increases the production of vitamin D in your body and lowers high blood pressure. 

2. Stretch your body :

The second things are that you don't have to do brushing immediately after wake up. When you do stretching or warming, blood circulation will increase in your body, oxygen will reach every cell of your body and your brain will be activated to perform any activity. It also helps to heal and prevent back pain and post-exercise aches and pain.


3. A glass of warm water :

See, when you wake up, your stomach is empty so you don't have to take breakfast first. It will increase the acid level in your body. You first need to drink a glass of warm water. You can also squeeze a lemon in it so that the waste of the body gets removed. It is very important to give hydration to the body. When we drink warm water it relieves nasal congestion, helps relieve constipation, calm your central nervous system, and lubricate your body.

4. Have home-cooked Breakfast :

Breakfast is really the most important meal of our day. Breakfast breaks our overnight fast, improves metabolism, Stabilises our blood sugar levels. So don't skip your breakfast. When you skip your breakfast, there are two disadvantages. first, you will not get the energy you should get all day and second thing that you are going to be overeating at lunch because you skipped your breakfast. So take a home-cooked breakfast and then go to the office or school.

5. Make a schedule :

After getting up, many thoughts start coming that I have to do this work, I have to do that work, today I have to finish his work, etc and those thoughts stay on all the day and so that our stress level increasing. Therefore make a to-do list. Write down what you have to do throughout the day so it will be easier for you to make a schedule. The scheduling system helps you stay on track to get important projects done. With this method, your productivity and efficiency will increase.    

When you follow these 5 easy steps, you will see that your health level is getting better. your health depends on what you do 1 hour after wake up.

Thanks for reading and stay healthy. 

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