How to get in the habit of getting up early in the morning?

How to get used to getting up early in the morning?

People who wake up in the morning are born like this or can they be made like this? In my case, I am definitely made like this. When I was twenty one years old I rarely went to bed before midnight. And I almost always slept late. And often my activities started at noon.


 But after some time I could not ignore the deep connection between getting up in the morning and being successful, even in my life. Whenever I wake up early on those few occasions, I have found that my productivity has almost always been higher, not only during the morning but also throughout the day. And I have also realized myself to be good. So being a proactive goal-achiever, I decided to get into the habit of getting up in the morning. I set my alarm clock to 5 am…


 - And the next morning I woke up just before noon.


I tried again many times, but to no avail. I thought that maybe I was born without a gene that wakes up in the morning. Whenever my alarm would ring, the first thought in my mind was that I should stop that noise and I went to sleep in June. I kept doing this for many years, but one day a sleep research took place on my hand, so that I knew that I was solving this problem incorrectly. And when I applied these ideas, I started succeeding in getting up in the morning.


 It is difficult to get up the habit of getting up in the morning with the wrong strategy, but it is relatively easy to do so with the right strategy.


 The most common wrong strategy is that you think that if you have to get up early in the morning, then it would be better to go to bed early. So you see how many hours of sleep you take, and then move all the things a little deeper. If you now sleep from midnight till 8 in the morning, then you now decide that you will go to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am. It seems logical to listen but most of the time this method does not work.


 It seems that there are two ideologies taking sleep patterns. One is that you sleep at the same time every day and wake up. It is as if there is an alarm clock on both sides - you try to sleep that same hour every night. It seems practical to live in modern society. We must have an accurate estimate of our plan. And we also need enough rest.


 The second ideology says that you listen to the needs of your body and when you are tired, go to sleep and then wake up when your sleep naturally breaks. The root of this approach lies in biology. Our body should know how much rest we want, so we should listen to it.


 Through trial and error, I came to know that both methods do not give proper sleep patterns. If you worry about productivity then both ways are wrong.


 Here are the reasons why:

 If you sleep at certain time, sometimes you will go to sleep when you are not feeling sleepy. If you are taking more than 5 minutes to sleep then it means that you are not getting sleep well right now. You're lying in bed wasting your time; Not sleeping Another problem is that you think that you need an hour sleep every day, which is wrong. You do not need an equal sleep every day.


 If you sleep as much as your body tells you, you will probably sleep more than you want to sleep — in many cases, more than 10–15 hours per week (equivalent to an entire waking-day). Most people who sleep like this They sleep 8+ hrs every day, which is usually a lot. And if you are getting up at different times daily, then you will not be able to plan your morning properly. And since sometimes our natural rhythm does not match with the watch, you will find that your bedtime is going forward.


 For me, combining the two approaches proved to be effective. It is very easy, and many people who get up early in the morning do so without knowing, but for me it was a mental breakthrough. The solution was to go to bed when sleep is coming (only when sleep is coming) and get up at a certain time (seven days a week). That's why I get up at the same time every day (in my case 5 am) but I go to sleep at different times every day.


 I go to bed when I have a very fast sleep. My sleepiness test is that if I cannot read a book without reading a page or two, then it means that I am ready to go to bed. Mostly I fall asleep within 3 minutes of going to bed. I lie down comfortably and I immediately have a sleepless caste. Sometimes I go to sleep at 9:30 am and sometimes wake up till midnight. Mostly I go to sleep between 10 - 11 pm. If I am not feeling sleepy, then I stay awake till my eyes start closing. Reading is a very good activity at this time, because it is easy to know whether you should study more now or sleep now.


 When my alarm rings every day, first I turn it off, stretch for a few seconds, and get up and sit down. I do not think about it. I have learned that the longer I take to get up, the more chance I will try to sleep again. So once the alarm goes off, I do not let this conversation happen in my mind and what to sleep for long. There are advantages. Even if I want to sleep, I get up immediately.


 After using this approach for a few days, I found that my sleep patterns are set in a natural rhythm. If I had very little sleep one night, then the next night I would sleep early on my own and I would sleep more. And when I had a lot of energy and I was not tired, I would sleep less. My body understood when to send me to sleep because it knows that I will always get up at the same time and no compromise can be made in it.


 One effect of this was that I would sleep less than 90 minutes every night now, but I would feel that I have taken more rest than before. I would have been sleeping for almost as long as I was in bed.


 I have read that most insomnia patients are those people who go to bed before sleep. If you are not feeling sleepy and feel that you will not get sleep soon, then wake up and stay awake for some time. Stop sleeping until your body starts leaving hormones that won't make you sleepy. If you go to bed only when you are sleeping and wake up at a certain time, you will be able to treat insomnia. Will wake up till then, but you will get sleepy as soon as you go to bed .. You may be tired the first day because you slept late and got up very early, but you will keep working all day and go to sleep early the other night. After that you will settle in a pattern in which you will go to bed at about the same time and go to sleep immediately.


 So if you want to get up early (or want to control your sleep pattern), then try this: Go to sleep only if you are really very sleepy and wake up every day at a certain time.



 5 highly successful people who get up early in the morning and the reason for their early rise


 If you wake up 1 hour in the morning, then you are able to give 1 hour more to your life. It is no wonder that most of the successful people of the world believe in starting their day early. Today we are telling you about some such early risers, who are very successful in their life and give importance to wake up in the morning.


 1 Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India


 Narendra Modi also starts his day between 4-5 am. They are said to sleep less than 4 hours daily. They do Pranayama, Surya Namaskar and other yogasanas regularly as soon as they wake up in the morning.


 2 Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Company


 If Apple holds its own identity in the world of Mubil today, then the current CEO of Apple Tim Cook has a big hand behind it. Tim Cook is known for sending company emails at 4-5 in the morning. On one hand, the cooks always leave the office only after everyone has gone, while on the other hand they also reach the office first. It is his habit to get up early in the morning to be more and more productive.


 3 Jack Ma, Founder, Alibaba Group


 Jack Ma, the richest person in China, gets up around 6:00 in the morning and he always uses his every 1 second very pleasantly and accurately.


 4 Donald Trump, the current President of the United States


 According to many well-known and well-known newspapers, Donald Trump considers 3 to 4 hours of daily sleep better for his success. In this subject, his wife also believes that he is very busy with his work. It is also surprising that despite being 70 years old, Donald Trump is a well-known businessman besides being the President of the US.


 5 Jack Dorsey, Co-Founder, Twitter


 Jack Dorsi is also one of those who get up in the morning. He gets up at 5:30, punctual and then meditates and then walks more than 5 miles.


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