Top 5 Healthiest Nuts

Top 5 Healthiest Nuts


Nuts are a fantastic source of healthy fat, fiber, and protein.

Many studies have shown they have a number

of health benefits, particularly in regards to

reducing heart disease risk.


So here I'm looking at 5 healthiest nuts you can eat.


Number 1:  Brazil nuts 

5 healthy Nuts                           Brazil nuts



Brazil nuts are said to originate from a tree and are an incredibly rich source of selenium.

In fact, a one ounce or 30 gram serving of Brazil nuts will provide you with more than 100%  of the Recommended Dietary Intake or RDI for the mineral selenium. Now this is on top of 26 % of the RDI for magnesium, which is an important mineral for cardiovascular health. Now selenium deficiency is rare and usually only occurs in certain disease states.

For example, in this study patients undergoing homo-dialysis for kidney disease were selenium deficient. And these patients ate just one Brazil nut a day for three months, their blood selenium levels returned to normal, and the nuts had an antioxidant effect in their blood.

Now it's fascinating when a certain food is so high in a particular nutrient that it functions like a nutrition supplement. Brazil nuts may also reduce inflammation in patients undergoing homo-dialysis as well as in healthy people. Selenium intake is also indicated for more common disease states.  In fact, our thyroid gland has the highest selenium content per gram of any of our organs.


Number 2:  Walnuts

5 healthy nuts             Walnuts


Walnuts are an excellent source of the omega three fatty acid called alpha linolenic acid. Many large studies have found that eating walnuts significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol while increasing good HDL cholesterol. Now this may be due to their high alpha linolenic acid content and other nutrients.


Walnuts may also improve other factors related to heart health, including systemic inflammation, blood pressure, and the normal flow of blood through the circulatory system.


Number 3:  Almonds

5 healthy nuts Almonds


Almonds contain a number of beneficial nutrients, particularly Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant, and also the mineral magnesium.

Researchers show that almonds consumed as part of a low calorie diet may aid weight loss and lower blood pressure in people who are overweight or obese.


They also appear particularly beneficial for those with diabetes. Now I think this is largely due to the magnesium content which I'll get to in a moment. Both natural and dry roasted almonds are nutritious although the natural ones contain more Vitamin E but just go with whichever one you prefer.



Number 4: Cashews

5 healthy nuts     Cashews


Cashews are another great choice and particularly high in magnesium like almonds. In fact, alongside spinach, cashews and almonds are one of the best sources of magnesium in the human diet. A half cup of boiled spinach contains 78 milligrams, then an ounce or 30 grams of either cashews or almonds contains between 74 to 80 milligrams. Now the fact that cashews and almonds are convenient and delicious is just a bonus. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in hundreds of bodily processes, including blood sugar regulation.The mechanism of action is unclear, but low magnesium levels is strongly associated with poor control of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Further more in , clinical trials have shown that correcting low magnesium improves insulin response and lowers blood sugar levels. So if you do have diabetes, it may be useful to include a handful of cashews or almonds per day into your diet.


Number 5: Peanuts 

5 best healthy nuts                                         Peanuts


Peanuts are not technically nuts. They don't grow on trees, they are legumes. However, they are often considered to be nuts and they have a similar nutrient profile and similar health benefits as nuts, but just for a fraction of the price.

 A research including over 120,000 people found that high peanut intake was associated with lower death rates.

Interestingly, asthma and allergic disease rates may be lower in children of mothers who eat peanuts once or more per week during pregnancy.

Researcher said that women should not decrease peanut intake during pregnancy and that eating more may even be beneficial.

Peanut butters: 

Best Diet Peanut butters



Peanut butters contain large amounts of added oils and other ingredients. Therefore, it is best to choose peanut butter with the highest peanut content if you want it to be healthy. That is typically like 90 percent plus peanuts, which are thick

Also note that most peanuts are usually heavily salted or flavored, which may eliminate their associated health benefits. Therefore, try to choose plain, unsalted, unflavored peanuts where possible.



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