Top 11 amazing health benefits of raw onion

Top 11 amazing health benefits of raw onion

 Onion is found carbohydrates, calcium and vitamin B .... Onion dissolves in water, it means amino acids are found in it and this is the reason when you are cutting onions ...  Tears come out from our eyes… We like to eat onion as vegetables… It is also a medicine.



1)benefits of onion in nose bleeding

 In summer a lot of people have a problem of nose bleeding .. And when you are like this, then you take the onion near the nose and smell it… it gives you the problem of nose bleeding ..


 After smelling the onion, bleeding from your nose becomes tied

 Eating onion does not cause heat in summer ... When you feel heat in summer, drink onion juice, it will give you a lot of relief ...



2)benefits  of onion constipation and acidity

 If you are struggling with constipation and acidity then you can use raw onion… now a days there are so many people who face constipation and acidity .. if you take 4 drop of onion daily than you can not face  this problem...




3) Enhancing immunity

 By eating raw onion, your immune power increases to a great extent ... and this also increases stamina in you ... Raw onion contains vitamin C.



4) Onion juice is very beneficial in joint pain

 If you have joint pain, then add a little mustard juice in the onion juice and apply it on the joint ... this will give a lot of relief to your joint pain ... If you are experiencing joint pain then two  Massages with onion juice once in a month will give you a lot of relief… and by doing this your joint pain will go away….




 5) Onion is also very beneficial in cough 

 It is common to have phlegm in the winter…. But more than that you have to waste a lot…

 So whenever you get phlegm in winter, then you mix some honey with onion and drink it, it will give you a lot of relief.



 6) Benefits of onion in headache

 It is common to have headache in summer ... and so when you are having pain in your head in summer and you have a migraine problem, you should smell the white part of the onion, it will give you a lot of relief ... because onion has many types of factors that will be useful in headaches.




 7) Benefits of onion in gingivitis and toothache

 This thing is very common… When you are eating a lot of cold things, you get some sensation in the teeth… Apart from this, sometimes you have a lot of swelling in the gums… then you  Mixing onion juice and salt and applying it on the gums will give you a lot of relief… Apart from this, if your teeth are hurting a lot, then you can put salt in the onion juice and apply it on the teeth, this will give you a lot of relief.




8) benefits of onion when you get too much cold 

When you get too much cold, eating raw onion with honey will give you a lot of relief… because onions have many types of anti-bacterial factors.



 9) Onion benefits in high blood pressure and cholesterol

 If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol ... then you can consume onion juice ... and raw onion can also be eaten in salads ... this will help you to keep high blood pressure and cholesterol  Will get ...




 10) Onion too beneficial to increase eyesight

 To increase the light of the eyes, if you add onion juice to the eyes, then you get a lot of benefit from this .. Apart from that if you have eye cataract disease, onion juice is very beneficial in that too…




 11) Prevention Heart Attack by Onion

 If someone died in your house from a heart attack

 And if you have heart attack heredity, then you can definitely use onion. It is very beneficial in heart attack .. So you keep raw onion in the salad and eating it will keep you away from disease.



 12) Sleep and hunger

 Many people get a lot of sleep in today's time and that is why you should eat onions in the evening time ... By doing this you will get full sleep and hence you will be energetic .. Younger children sometimes feel less hungry.  This is why if your child also has to face this then you too can feed him onions.



 13) Onion for children

 Sometimes, children get insects in their kidneys, then to remove that thing, you can give five drops to the child, this will get rid of this disease.



 14) If Someone has asthma 

 If you have asthma and respiratory disease, you can still consume onions.  If you have the problem of spitting again and again, you can consume onion juice, this will give you relief to a great extent.



 15) Onion benefits for hair fall

 If you have a lot of hair fall then you will see a lot of benefit by applying onion juice on your hair.


 Eating raw onion increases stamina ... and eating raw onion also increases sperm count .. If you apply onion juice once a week and wash it after 4 hours of planting, then your hair problem will be removed.  Will be done ..

 People who have skin disease should not eat onion; Those who have constipation problem also should not eat onion.

 Conclusion: It is very important to take the right amount of onion, you can take 3 to 4 gums of onion and 3 to 4 drops of onion juice in a day, taking more than this can harm you ...

 Onion is very beneficial for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol ... and is also very beneficial for heart attack disease ...


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