Do you know the amazing benefits of veganism?

Can we imagine a life without food? Is it even a possibility to exist without eating and drinking? Who doesn’t like delicacies? And there are those who love to eat a variety of food so frequently that they are termed as “foodies.” While there are also certain types of people in this world who prefer taste over quantity.


We live in a world where food has become synonymous with life itself. This trend has taken centuries to grow into its current state. Food processing companies are banking on artificial ways to create more varieties, sometimes using not-so-healthy chemicals, thus leading to low immunity with new varieties of diseases and infections. No wonder, people are going crazy for more variety everyday. This rapid growth in demand and supply in food industry has led to the creation of many cruel and inhuman ways to use animal products.


We humans want more and more to satisfy our insatiable hunger for tastier and different food items. While to meet this crazy ever-increasing demand, food companies are willing to go to any extend to survive in their competitive industry and make as much profit as they can. And all these at what cost?



What cost the world is paying for the variety of food we consume?

The cost cannot be estimated in terms of money spend alone; that would be the most crude and immature way to judge the situation at hand. Food processing industry has much deeper and disastrous impact on the whole planet earth, including climate change, depletion of biodiversity, deforestation, ozone layer depletion, extinction of certain species of animals, to name a few.


Most of these impacts have gone too far, beyond repair. As per the report by UN Environment Programme ( , namely, “Industrial Agriculture: Destroying the planet,” this industry is responsible for various challenges including poverty. The report suggests that, this industry has caused devastating effect on the livelihoods of local family and small-scale farmers, destruction of rural structures and communities, negative impact on food security.


The same report suggests, we have wiped out 70% of our wildlife since 1970. Other negative impacts include, 14.5% of greenhouse gas emission by livestock causing global climate change, and dead zones in ocean due to farm run-off. Industrial Agriculture consumes a greater percentage of freshwater, causes almost 80% of deforestation and emits more greenhouse gases than transportation industry.


The industry is responsible for myriad of health issues including high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease and diabetes, due to the consumption of unhealthy diet such as red meat, and other wild animals. Even dairy products have been found to cause many health issues and spread diseases.


The industry feeds on three main factors, natural resources, use of unnatural methods (technology, misuse of scientific research and findings, chemicals, etc.) and human demands for more variety and quantity of food. This leads to more taxes levied on different services offered to general public (main consumer), besides the increasing cost of food itself.



What is the solution?


These impacts clearly suggest that we cannot go on with business-as-usual in food industry, which is unsustainable consumption and production. The world needs to take into consideration, the nature, Eco-system, biodiversity, rural structure and communities, health-hazards, and other irreversible negative impact that food industry is responsible for.


There are certain measures that can only be taken by higher authorities, scientific communities, businesses and policy makers. These measures could include introduction of meat taxes; elimination of subsidies for less-nutrient, unnatural and unhealthy foods; increased investment on fruits and vegetables production; new scientific inventions for organic, economical, environmentally-friendly methods and means for food production, etc. However, the conscious contribution can also be made by each individual human being at their will to transform the world for better.


One great solution that every individual can propose is to go vegan.


What is veganism?


Vegan diet mainly consists of plant based food such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, dry fruits, grains, etc. All the animal products including dairy products are excluded from vegan diet. Veganism not only eliminates the consumption of animal products by way of eating, but also excludes all forms of animal cruelty and exploitation for leather, bones, and other parts of their bodies for reasons such as clothing, fashion, etc.


Most vegans are totally against and boycott any activity that involves animal abuse and suffering. Perfume and leather are two such industries that contribute a great deal to the fashion and clothing industries, which definitely involve, in most cases, animal cruelty.


Veganism is not only a conscious decision for a better health, which is the primary benefit at the individual level, but also for a life based on social, environmental, moral and ethical well-being of the world we live in. It is also based on the life’s great philosophy, “Live and let live.”



What are the major benefits of veganism?

As discussed earlier, let’s look at the health benefits of veganism:


  1. Less prone to heart diseases

  2. Less likely to get certain types of cancer

  3. Less likely to develop diabetes

  4. Nutritionally more adequate than other diet system

  5. Suitable for all ages and stages

  6. Prevention of the spread of new diseases



Let’s look at the positive impact of veganism on animal kingdom:


  1. It saves lives of innocent animals

  2. No exploitation of animals by food industry due to lack of demand

  3. No exploitation of animals by leather industry due to lack of demand

  4. No exploitation of animals by perfume industry due to lack of demand

  5. No exploitation of animals by fashion industry due to lack of demand

  6. No animal cruelty by humans for consumption purposes

  7. Animals not treated as commodities

  8. Animals are saved from painful mutilations caused by slaughtering

  9. Elimination of breeding animals in unnatural ways to grow large and fast


Let’s look at the positive impact of veganism on environment:


  1. Substantial reduction of greenhouse gas emission

  2. Substantial reduction of consumption of freshwater

  3. Substantial reduction of deforestation

  4. Positive impact on overall climate

  5. Substantial reduction of global warming

  6. Substantial reduction of mass extinction of certain animal species

  7. Better Eco-system

  8. Better submarine life

  9. Overall less pollution (water, air, etc.)


Let’s look at the positive impact of veganism on overall economy and cost of living:


  1. Cheaper than most other food items offered by food industry

  2. Less health-hazard leading to less healthcare expense (some estimate savings of US$ billions in overall healthcare costs)

  3. Less consumption of food (processed and other types of food lead to more hunger)

  4. Less visit to restaurants and reduced consumption of outside junk food resulting in more savings

  5. Promoting local and home-based farming, thus boosting local economy

  6. Encouraging rural communities for farming and other opportunities, thereby boosting rural economy

  7. Reduced transportation cost as no or less international/domestic movements of processed food and other non-vegan food items


The above list is only indicative. There are many more benefits of veganism.


As humans, we all have to work together for a better and healthier world. The covid-19 pandemic and subsequent worldwide lock-down will remain itched in the memories of generations to come. We all are responsible for a greater cause, no matter who initiates it. At an individual level, we all can change our food habits and practice some level of sense control in order to restrain our wrong and unhealthy consumption of food leading to a better health, inner happiness and peace.


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