Better weather and lighter days are here again, so now is the time to rediscover your get-up-and-go

1. Ease into your day mindfully

 Use those extra minutes to start the morning slowly and calmly. Beginning by sipping a coffee or cuppa and thinking about three things you're grateful for. Write them down. Banish each negative thought and replace it with positive one-negative feelings take a lot of mental energy. Mornings can be busy and stressful, but a soothing routine first thing will prevent exhaustion later.

2. Get moving

Exercise can boost energy, so get the blood flowing early in the day if you can. If there's time for a trip to the gym or pool in the morning, that's great, but even short routines work wonders. How about five minutes, for example?


3. Balance your breakfast

 Try to eat a mix of complex carbs like whole grains, healthy fats, and protein to ensure your energy is slow-released as you go through the day. Eggs, avocado, and wholegrain toast make an excellent start to the day.

4. Lose the snooze

 The snooze button is a comforting thing, but it doesn't do us any good at all. To feel and stay refreshed, you need to wake up and get up at the same time every day. There's nothing restful about hitting snooze only to be woken with a start ten minutes later; your body doesn't benefit from the extra ZZZs. A tip: keep the alarm far enough away that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. That will get you moving in the morning.

5. Kick the afternoon caffeine

You might be tempted to think that a cup of coffee will wake you up. Sure, it'll give you a quick energy boost, especially if there's sugar in it. But it's short-lived, and when the caffeine wears off, you'll be even more shattered than before. So how about a peppermint tea instead? It's caffeine and calorie-free, and the scent will revive you.

6. Crunch on a carrot

Carrots or other crunchy foods, such as celery, make your jaw work hard. This will wake up your facial muscles and help you feel more alert. Nibbling on chocs or crisps, on the other hand, will only offer more calories.


7. Take a break from the box

 Netflix is a great way to unwind in the evening and at weekends, but lying motionless on the couch is not always the best way to recharge your batteries. Give yourself a weekend break from the telly and commit to spending a few hours in green places instead. Research has found that spending time in nature can lower blood pressure and improve mental health and boost serotonin, a feel-good neurotransmitter, often known as the "happy chemical."


8. Take a renewal break at least every ninety minutes.

It's now how long you work that determines the value you produce, but rather the energy you bring to whatever hours you work. The first key is to intermittently quiet your physiology. You can dramatically lower your heart rate, your blood pressure, and your muscle tension in as little as 30 to 60 second seconds with regular practice. IN this way, you're extending you're recovery. As your body quiets down, your thinking mind will also get quieter, and you'll feel more relaxed.


9. Practice appreciation and savoring.

We're far quicker to notice what's wrong in our lives than what's right. You'll be giving the other person a shot of positive energy, but sharing positive energy will also make you feel better. Look too for opportunities to appreciate yourself.


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