Paid Search: one-way ticket to the poor farm or great profits?

Pay-per-click is a great way to drive web traffic from major search engines to your site.  If not done right it will suck up your marketing budget in just two days.  The bottom line is that anyone is going to profit by running a paid search.  The question is, will it be you or the search engines?  The goal of search engines (and their strategies) is more clicks.  Most people who earn money from search engines click on your ads.  Their strategy is to get as many clicks as possible within your budget and they are ready to do it all day.  This is great for those who are bad to you.


The real goal should be more conversions with fewer clicks and less cost.  Let’s take a few minutes to see some strategies that will make a difference in your campaign.  We will get more specific and upcoming articles.
Simple strategies.


  1. Turn off the content network

  Google has a default setting when you first set up a campaign that changes the "Content Match" setting to "On".  For now, disable that setting. This means displaying your ads on websites that use AdSense. If you go to a website and see "Google Ads", those ads come from Google paid search accounts. Those ads will appear on these websites based on the content of the website. At first glance, this may seem like a good idea and it is usually for Google.  There are two things you should consider before starting content matching.

First, the website that hosts your ad is paid for every time someone clicks on your ad. Most of the click fraud happens when a site owner wants to associate with site clicks on these ads. The second thing is that people who click on these ads do not actively want what you are offering. These guys are tire kickers.  Although your ad is provided to a large number of people (number of stamps), the rate and conversion rate are very low per click. The magic of search engine marketing is that you interact with people who are actively searching for what you have to offer. Pay only for clicks from people in that category.



  2. Search terms.

  The more general term is less deserving (generally speaking).  Personally, I'm not a big fan of hundreds of keywords for paid search. This is a great strategy for search engines and paid search management companies that pay a percentage of your cost. I try to figure out what terms work to bring my ideal customer to my site.  Remember, you want people who are actively searching for what you have to offer to come to your site. For example, if you were selling "long-term care insurance", what kind of people would you like to click on your ads?  Of course, you need people looking for long-term care insurance, not "long-term care" or "insurance". You can use these words if you have created a list of "negative" keywords.  We'll talk about that another time.



  3. Keyword "Types"

  There are three types of keywords: "broad", "phrase" and "exact".  Do not use a "broad match" except for phrases with four or more words.  For example, the long-term care insurance quote.  Some rule I use For single word phrases, I use a perfect match and four search phrases with two to three words, I use "phrase matching".  I am also experimenting with using a “perfect” match for these terms.  Keep in mind that the search term is more specific to what you are offering and that your ideal client is more qualified to lead.  Qualified leads are better than a large number of leads that waste your time and end up spending a lot of money.



  4. Advertising Copy Just two thoughts about writing ads.  When you write your ads, put the following in your "headline" box: {Keyword: "is your main keyword". This will keep your keyword phrase in the headline.  Must be (someone who is definitely looking for what you are offering). Your ad also includes at least one of your "exclusive sales proposals". 



  5. Landing pages

  You need to think a lot about your landing pages.  Your landing page has to do a task, a question that answers questions, which the searcher keeps in mind when he types his keywords.  He is the type to search in terms of his search because he has a problem, needs a solution, and is in a kind of “pain”.  You have two seconds to convince him that you understand what he is doing and what he needs.  It does not matter if you are selling hammers, insurance or investment products.  The last thing a researcher wants to see is that you can jump high, run fast and do better than the competition.  He doesn't care.  Moreover, 99% of the websites he visited mentioned that they were doing so.  You need to show him that you have the answers to his needs.  Do not send him to your homepage unless your homepage achieves the above.  You should call for action once you are connected to your search.  It could be "Buy Now", "Contact Us for More Information", "Contact Us for Free Evaluation" or "Contact". You need to be very specific and clear about your next steps.  Your phone number or contact us button on each page.



  6. Tracking

  Finally, keep track of everything.  Paid search is not an exact science.  It takes time to set up and optimize your campaigns to get the results you are looking for.  You should monitor your campaigns at least once a week to find out market changes.  If you do not have time around venture capital money, paid search is not something you turn on and forget.  Google, Yahoo, and MSN have free tracking tools.

  Pay-per-click is a great marketing tool if used properly.  As mentioned earlier, your marketing budget can be sucked in at heart.  Finding someone who knows what they are doing and can help you today and today is much cheaper than losing thousands of dollars trying to figure it out for yourself.

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