Let us know 5 Amazing facts about universe

1.More new planets?? 

During the great planetary shake-up of 2006, the IAU briefly proposed a definition that would have included more than a hundred objects belonging to the planet's category.

CERES, PLUTO, HAUMEA, ERIS are DWARF planets; the latter three Andrew their moons are further designated as plutoids.

Planets found beyond Neptune in the Kuiper belt, HAUMEA recognized in 2008, is the nearest plutoids. This egg-shaped dwarf planet spins rapidly, completing one rotation every 4 hours.
Newly discovered dwarf planets suggest that a planet up to 10 times the earth's size may be orbiting far beyond Pluto.

2.What are Sunspots??

Visible features on the sun's surface sunspots are dark regions in the Photosphere, where a particularly strong position of the sun's magnetic field has slowed the gas that is rising to the surface. The sunspot's center is depressed a little below the sun's rounding gas exhibits a lower temperature than its surroundings. Photosphere creating visible spot sunspots can measure up to several times Earth's diameter.

Their activity increases and decreases in an 11-year circle. Earth in each circle, most Sunspots appear near the sun's 30°N and 30° S latitude later in the cycle, they occur closer to its equator during the low point in the circle called the Solar minimum the sun goes for days or even weeks without flaring.

SUNSPOT 536, just left of center, can Flair and affect Earth. The spot itself is 6 times wider than our planet.

3.Solar flares.

Solar flares are certain eruptions on the sun's surface, especially occurring during the peak of the sunspot cycle.

These violent releases of energy Eject billions of tons of charged particles at more than 600 miles per second into space and spewing out radiation ranging from radio waves to X-rays.

A flare usually lasts only a few minutes, and in that time, its temperature can reach several million kelvins. Unusually large solar flares can have broader consequences on Earth; for example, on October 28, 2003, a huge solar flare short highly charged energetic particles right at our planet. A  power blackout occurred in Sweden, and some satellites were damaged; even the Hubble Space Telescope had to be placed in itself mode to protect its delicate electronics.

4.Jupiter four main moons.

Jupiter 63 moons four can be viewed from the earth through binoculars. Galileo first discovered these moons.

Looking through a newly refined telescope around 1610 and still are called the Galilean moons.

Galileo was astonished that these four moons Ganymede, Io, Europa, and Callisto, form a perfect line with the planet. Each has its own distinctive features. With more than 150 volcanoes, "Io" is the most geological active moon in the solar system "Europa" has an Icy surface that makes our liquid water of wearing the possibility that we may one day Discover some life from there. "Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system larger even then the earth's moon, Callisto heavily pockmarked, is the most created object in the solar system.

5.Will an asteroid hit soon??

If an asteroid hit Earth, its effect on our planet would depend upon its size. Earth's atmosphere usually protects the planet from asteroid less than 150 feet in diameter.

Objects up to 3000 feet across create intense localized damages; such impacts occur every few centuries. 

An asteroid more than 5000 feet across would kick up dust and causes and impact winter; such hits occur once or twice every million years. The  "Chicxulub crater in Mexico was probably the result of an asteroid impact 65 million years ago the dust produced may have caused the climate change that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. To date, astronomers have cataloged some  1,541 potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) though none are believed to be on a collision course with Earth.

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