How to write a good composition

Hello everyone.....

A composition is an original piece of continuous writing on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose. It may be narrative, analytic, speculative, or interpretive. The right choice of a topic plays an important role in making writing effective. A pupil must not choose a topic because the caption is attractive. There are candidates who write on "An interesting voyage by the ship", having neither the proper idea of a sea nor of a ship. Their essay turns out to be a product of imagination without having a foundation in reality.

A few things which a student must keep in mind while writing an essay are language, grammar, arguments, and proper arrangement of thoughts and expressions. Students generally tend to use flowery language. But remember, a simple language, with the correct use of grammar and spellings, is much preferred. It should be given only at appropriate places and not excessively. A good essay, above all, should be based on solid reasoning and convincing examples than the mere play of words.

Choose a topic you know about, which interests you, on which you have enough matter, which can show originality, on which you can write comfortably and on which you can give personal details.

Pay attention to details from the beginning. Remember even a comma can change the meaning of what you want to say as shown in the example given below:-

A Russian nobleman opposed openly the policies of Czar, the Russian ruler. As a punishment, he was sentenced to hard labor in Siberia. The night before the nobleman was to be sent to Siberia, a friend of his managed to get into the Czar's palace. He read the imperial order,  "Pardon impossible, to be sent to Siberia." The friend decided to help the noblemen. With a clever stroke of his pen, he covered up of the previous punctuation and moved the comma one word back in the sentence. With the clever modification, the sentence read, "Pardon, impossible to be sent to Siberia." The following day the nobleman was set free.

Use P-O-W-E-R  for writing a good and impressive composition:- 

1. Plan before you start writing a composition. Choose a topic carefully based on your interest and knowledge. Then collect a list of points you want to include in your composition.

2. Organize your points into three categories namely, The Introduction, The Body, and The Conclusion.

3. Write the components of your composition by developing the points in the three categories.

4. Edit the composition by reading it again and looking for any errors related to facts, spellings, and grammar.

5. Revise your composition by giving it a final reading so that it is an error-free composition.

Types of Composition:-

1. Factual (Practical) Writing -- Such essays are concerned with facts rather than with thoughts and feelings. They are not abstract in nature. Example: How to mend a puncture in a bicycle tire.

2. Imaginative Writing -- Imaginative writing calls for an imaginative response, an original way of looking at things, creative ideas, and forceful arguments. Imaginative essays can be divided into the following categories :

     I. Narrative - You may be asked to narrate an event, such as a wedding, festival, an accident or a journey. You may be asked to narrate a story, real or imaginary.

     II. Descriptive - in this type, you may be asked to write about a person, an object or about a place. The painter uses is paint to recreate a scene, while the writer uses words for same purpose. Example: Describe a building of historical importance.

     III. Arguementative - You may be asked to argue for or against a particular point of view. Example: "Capital Punishment cannot be justified." Do you agree?

     IV. Characters - The characters are dynamic. This is to say, they are not like objects and places that do not have movement and behavior. Hence, one has to describe characters by depicting them in action. Example: Write about one of your friends, giving an account of his appearance, habits, and behavior.

     V. Personal - This autobiography can in nature. You may be asked to write about an event or experience in our life. Example: The best years of your life.


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