How to turn gray hair into black hair naturally

Reason for gray hair

Being without proper eating habits. Without proper nutrition, the hair will start to turn white.

The decreased growth of hormones secreted in the body or any disorders can cause white hair problem.

Similarly, shampoos and other products containing high levels of chemicals can damage the hair and cause gray hair. Now let's see how to turn gray hair into white hair by using natural ingredients.


Coconut oil

Add a few drops of lemon juice into coconut oil and mix it well. Now apply the mixture to your hair and massage well, then let it dry for 20 minutes; you can shampoo your hair. Do it once a week for better results.


Curry leaves

Take some curry leaves and add some buttermilk, then grind it and make them a smooth paste. Apply the paste on your hair ( like a hair mask ) and leave it for 20-30 minutes, then you can wash your hair. Repeat it twice a week for better results. You can notice a huge difference in your hair.


Curd milk

Add only a few black pepper amounts ( nearly 1/4 TSP) into the curd and mix them properly. Before applying it to your hair, do the patch test to check whether you are allergic or not by applying a little amount of the mixture back to your ear. If you do not have any allergic reaction, then you can apply this mixture to your hair.


Potato skin

Take 4 potatoes and peel off their skin. Put that skin in a bowl. Take a pot, pour 2 cups of water in it, but this skin, put it in the oven, and let it boil.

Once it boils well, please put it on the sim and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Once cooled, drain the water. Mix a few drops of sandalwood oil in that water for fragrance, pour into a glass jar, and press close. After bathing the head, rinse the head with this water.


Coconut and lemon

Take 6-8 tablespoons of coconut oil, depending on the length of the hair. Add 3 tbsp of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the scalp. Rinse head with a mild shampoo after soaking well for 1 hour.


Rice water

Take a rice cup to darken gray hair, pour water in them, and soak well for 24 hours.

Once the rice is well soaked for 24 hours, take that water alone in a bowl.

Then mix two spoons of Triphala extract, two spoons of gooseberry powder, and one vitamin E tablet in the water and apply on the scalp. Then rinse the head after an hour.

So if you do this method once a week, the hair will turn black, and hair loss will be eliminated; the hair will grow black and thick.


Fenugreek seed water

Grind and paste fenugreek seeds to make the hair fade and apply it on the scalp or soak the seeds in water before going to bed at night and take that water the next morning and apply it on the scalp.

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