How to stay fit in winter?

1. Eat green leafy vegetables

In winter, there comes a variety of leafy greens which helps in detoxifying our body and keeps the skin and digestive system healthy. Like spinach is a good source of iron , fibers and many vitamins. You can have it in salads , soups, smoothies, curry etc. It helps in detoxifying our body and give a glow to skin . Those having iron deficiency must consume spinach. Other leafy Vegetables like green fenugreek and coriander are you can try .

2. Carrot and beetroot for healthy skin

As we all know how beneficial carrots and beetroots are . Loaded with many vitamins and minerals these two works like a miracle to our body . Having carrot and beetroot juice for a month can give you best results on your skin that no cosmetic can do .

3. Physical activities

In winter , we all tend to be lazy and lethargy. But for a good and healthy body , some kind of physical activity with a healthy diet is must. So some kind of physical activity for 30 minutes is enough and it is not necessary to go to gym and pump up those heavy machines . Any kind of outdoor game , walking, jogging is sufficient . 

4. Plenty of water

Yes, water ..In winter we don't drink that much of water . But water is the main thing that out body needs . Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily . It will flush out toxins from the body . You can have warm water in the winter. And you can flavour it with things of your choice but try to keep avoid from sugar.

5. Keep your carb intake in check

We tend to crave more for carbs during winter. Consuming excess carb can led to waight gain . And instead of having simple carbs like white rice , refined flour, white bread etc., have complex carbs like whole grains, oats, brown bread, brown rice etc. You can try Bajra in winter as it keeps your body warm and it is gluten free which helps in managing weight and controls sugar also. 

6. Try detox drinks

Instead of having those sugary drinks try having healthy drinks . You can have hot lemon and honey. It will detox your body and keep the digestion good which leads to healthy skin and mange weight. You can have your regular tea with jaggery powder in it instead of white sugar. Green tea , black tea , lemon and ginger tea etc. There are number of healthy drinks you can try this winter.

7. Be positive and keep smiling

Keeping mind positive impacts our body and mind a lot in a healthy way. Many researches have shown that a healthy and positive mind lead to a healthy body. And a joyful smile gives a natural glow on your face . Many studies have shown that a smile makes a person more attractive than any makeup. 

So these are some tips that you can follow this winter to get a healthy mind and body and be a productive person.

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