How to make fat disappear around your stomach in a week

Hello sir, my name is Vikash Agnihotri, today I am going to tell you that if you are obese, then within a week, your obesity will start to decrease a little. if you use it, then gradually your obesity will change into thin.

So let us know about the fat-burning method, many people are often engaged in losing weight. Obesity is the reason to remove the fat around your stomach.

Make belly fat work

Many people are not fat, but due to the fat of the belly, life starts looking fat. In people, it is very important to be fit in healthy because if you are fit, then you will look very beautiful and smart, and is very important to be healthy as well. People also have a bad eating time and then use calorie food which causes fat around their stomach, so know how to reduce the fat on the stomach.

  • Morning walk to get fit 

You make time to get up every day in the morning, that is, I get up at four o'clock at five o'clock and then I go out to get fit, then you set a time to get up in the morning and then leave slowly for some distance.

Run and work belly

Run slowly if there is a field around you, then you can go and run in the field, run for some distance, and after that do some exercise along with you will get the freshness in the morning, this will reduce the calories of your stomach and waist slowly.

If you run it for 10-20 minutes every day for a few days, you will defiantly see some changes.


  • Do not forget to complete your sleep 

Along with food and exercise, it is also important to sleep, so if you do not get enough sleep after eating, then stress starts increasing which releases hormones that will make you feel like eating, which also increases belly fat.

People who sleep for six to seven hours at night do not lose their fat and this causes more fat problems for those who sleep more or sleepless.

  • Take special care of food and drinks

If you take special care of food, then your chance of fat is not very much because the whole game is about food and hence you have to avoid oily food and you will eat less fat than normal food.

So gram, roti, almonds, nuts can be used all these, you must include in the diet, it is full of calories, it is also rich in fiber, take balanced calories in the food and then you should take at least 2000 calories throughout the day. Try

  • Fast for fat

If your mind always does something to eat and drink, then it is a great way to get fat. If you fast for one day in a week, then one thing is certain that your one-day fat will be less because of fasting.

Or you can fast for a day in the name of God so that God will also be worshiped, as well as there will be a change in fat, on the day of fasting, you can use all these fruits and milk.

  • Use honey

We all know that honey is a very healthy thing which is very good to use to reduce the fat too, what should you do if you wake up in the morning and put a drop of honey in lukewarm water if you drink this honey helps in reducing the fat with your health.

Honey reduces stomach fat


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My Name is Vikash Agnihotri, Iam professional content writer

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