How to maintain our health

It is said that Health is Wealth because you will keep working for the wealth and your health will vanish so, keep your health and wealth both excellent. Here are some tips for keeping your health fit and excellent.

(1) Eat healthy

You should keep eating healthy food daily. Avoid eating junk food because it said that all your body prosses starts from your stomach. So keep your stomach filled with healthy food. I don't say that you should stop eating junk food, eat it once a week. But don't carry away while eating it. You should try to control your eating habits and you should include sprouts, vegetables, and fruits. You should not drink fruit juices, instead of it, you should eat the fruits directly. Avoid soft drinks and cold drinks instead of it you can drink lemon juice and sugar cane juice and bitter guard juice. For increasing our immunity we should eat fruits which are rich in vitamin-C. You should also include AMALA in your daily diet which will make you look young. You should also eat fish twice or thrice in a  month. Which will increase your IRON in the body.

(2) Drink water

You should start your day by drinking a glass of water. You should drink water before eating your meal, you should not drink water after eating a meal. It is said that drinking water before a meal keeps us and our thought hydrated, drinking water while eating a meal is like drinking sweet medicine and drinking water after meal is like drinking poison.

We should not drink water after a meal because the water will dilute our digestion acids which will bring stomach ache. So keep hydrating your body when required. We should drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily.

You can carry bottles of water while traveling for keeping your and your children's body hydrating. You should keep an eye on your children that how much water they drink daily. If your children don't drink water then give them water to drink.

(3) Do exercise

Now if you will eat healthy food and drink water then you need to digest it properly. You don't need to keep extra time for doing exercise, you can do exercise while working.

If you work in an office then you should try to climb stairs instead of a lift/elevator. If you are a housewife or house worker then try to wake up in the early morning. And go for a walk in the morning as well as at night after dinner. 

If you have time in the morning you should try to do yoga at that time in that SURYA- NAMASKAR should be done compulsorily.

(4) Mental health

You should also do meditation when you have time because as exercise will increase your strength, then meditation will increase your mental health. For increasing your mental health you should enjoy every movement of your health. Maintain good and healthy relationships with the people. Keep adapting to the changing situations you face in your life. This will also help you to develop your mental health. Try to play mental-  y exercising games.

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Abdullah tarek - Apr 28, 2021, 1:12 PM - Add Reply

so helpful. *-*

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