How to get rid of pimples? By some easy steps and 1 natural Remedy.

The topic of today's blog is how to get rid of the pimple on your face. The reason for discussing this topic in my 1st blog is that I faced this problem alot for atleast 1 year but after doing all these steps Alhumdullilah my face is now clean.

And I am going to share with people some important and useful steps.

Let's Go.


Step No 1: Clean your face twice a day.

Step No 2: Always use a facewash instead of any cheap soap.

Step No 3: Always use cold water.

Never use hot water to clean your face because hot water makes your skin dull and only cold water can help you to get rid of pimples.

Step No 4: Never use a towel on the face.

Towel contains a large number of germs that is not good for your skin so avoid the use of a towel on your face.

Step No 5: Use a tissue or soft cotton for the face if its important. Firstly you should avoid using anything on the face and give your face time to dry it in a normal way but if it's important do use a tissue or soft cotton.

Step No 6: Drink alot of boiled water. Try to drink eight to 10 glasses of water so that your body will work in a proper way including maintaining your health and cleanliness of your skin.

Step No 7: Always do steaming your face once a week. Steaming your face helps you to get rid of pimples because it removes all kind of dust like stuff that become the cause pimples on the face.

Step No 8: Always do cleansing twice a week. Always do cleansing whenever you apply any kind of makeup stuff on your face. So by cleansing your face is not affected by any kind of makeup stuff.

Step No 9: Do not touch your face with dirty hands. Your skin is sensitive so touching your skin by your hand or anything else can spread bacteria so that it causes pimples so avoid touching.


It s one of the simple and effective home remedies for those people who want to get rid of pimples and, make their skin clean and fresh. Use the mixture of 3 things twice a week.

The following are the things.


2.Cucumber gel 

3.Tumalanga seeds.

Add green tea in six to seven tablespoons of boiled water then add tumalanga in it. Then after 5 minutes when tumalanga becomes thick you have to add cucumber gel in it. Then you will mix all these things in a good way. Then apply it on your face for 5 minutes. In the end, you should not wash your face with any of the facewash. You have to use a tissue or any other soft cotton to remove the mask from your face. And wash your face with only cold water. You may use it twice a week for good results. It is one of the best home remedies to not only get rid of pimples but also make your face glowing.

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