How to get Minecract Pocket Edition Free ver. 1.14.60

This is how to get Minecraft Pocket Edition for free Version 1.14.60

Hey, Guys So today I will show you how to get Minecraft Pocket Edition for free 100% real for mobile devices. Minecraft Pocket Edition is a paid and costly game, but if you want to download and play Minecraft for free, then you need to follow all the instructions given below in the article.



Basically, Minecraft PE Is the version that is supported by your mobile phone. Mojang studios also develop it after the success of Minecraft that was developed for the pc and Xbox both, which both later announced that they would provide the same gameplay and graphics for mobile phones also; the game was first released for the android on 16 August 2011, and then it released its ios version on 17 November 2011, after making a successful entry in the mobile phone gaming industry, the Minecraft game continues its run.




And talking about its gameplay, the game is almost similar to its pc and console versions in which you can build virtual buildings In a sandlike environment. Also, it contains some survival elements that can help you play and win this game and talk about survival elements that are brewing, hunger, and dimensions. The game is an exact copy of its java written console version.



One big benefit of getting Minecraft Pocket Edition is that the PE version is now part of Minecraft Bedrock, meaning, with this version of Minecraft, you can use cross-play with anyone regardless of console or pc. As long as they have Minecraft Bedrock (not java for pc users), you'll be able to play with your friends along as you have an internet connection.


Minecraft Ver. 1.16.40 Instructions

Getting Minecraft for free on your mobile device will be as easy as it sounds. Under just the click of a button. It is recommended to use chrome for the following. So first, you'll want to click on the link below. This will send you to a place full of ads but don't worry. This is just a security measure and will do nothing to your phone. If you want to see that it is 100% real and not fake, I will post a video, and you can see for yourself.


After reaching the page, complete the Captcha. You may get some pop-ups, so keep closing them. After that, you will click continue. You will have to wait around 5 seconds and then click get the link. You will get some pop-ups but trust me; this is all worth it. Keep clicking and closing the pop-ups until you get to the Mediafire link. After that, download the MCPE file and done.

Yes, it is this easy to get one of the all-time popular games for free. Share this article with more people so they can also play this game for FREE.


MCPE Ver 1.16.40 DOWNLOAD -



Recommendations for other Paid Mobile games

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