How can the doctor help us?

If a person falls sick or experiences any serious physical discomfort, they usually go to the doctor. The doctor carefully examines the patient's body to determine the cause of the problem. Sometimes they work together with a specialist who uses special methods of Investigation such as X-rays. Once the cause of the ailment becomes clear to the doctor, they prescribe medication or other treatment means. They can ask the patient to take certain medicines or preventive steps or even undergo surgery, depending on their condition.


How does the doctor diagnose a disease? 

There are many different investigative methods that a doctor can use to determine a disease. They can listen to the patient's heart and lungs, test the urine for disease-causing germs, or take blood samples and send them to a clinical laboratory for microscopic analysis. But before carrying out any clinical investigation, to doctor must know the type and nature of the ailment. If the problem is limited to a certain part or organ of the body, such as the eyes, the doctor usually asked the patient to consult a specialist, such as an ophthalmologist, case of an eye problem. Specialists use specialized means to diagnose and treat disease.


❓ How do X - rays work? 

Pictures were taken by x-ray show the bones in the patient's body. X-rays are electromagnetic rays that can penetrate different materials. They can pass through skin, fat, and muscles almost unhindered, but they are 'absorbed' because of the high calcium content of bones. As a result, the bones are highlighted in the image as shadows that can be clearly distinguished from the surrounding tissues. However, overexposure to X-rays is harmful to the body. For this reason, only trained persons, or specialists, conduct these tests.


How do antibiotics help cure diseases?

Antibiotics are very effective medicines for diseases caused by bacteria. They have been in use for the past 100 years. In 1929, the Scottish biologist Alexander Fleming, who studied bacteria, discovered that the bacteria were dying near a certain mold. He called this bacteria destroying substance 'penicillin'. This substance was believed as the world's first antibiotic;  soon, many others were discovered. Today antibiotics are prescribed for most common diseases. However, we should always follow the doctor's directions in taking this medication, as bacteria get adapted to everything - even antibiotics very quickly. Once a certain Bacteria group becomes resistant to the prescribed antibiotic, it becomes difficult to find an alternative cure for the infection.


Why do some patients need to be operated upon? 

Operations are done when the patient cannot be treated with medicines or any other aids. While some operations are planned, such as removing tonsils, some are done on an emergency basis, such as repairing serious injuries caused by accident. In both cases, the patient is anesthetized not to feel any pain during the operation. In the case of internal injuries, such as rupturing of the liver and spleen, the patient must undergo immediate surgery to avoid serious internal bleeding problems. Often, blood transfusion is necessary during an operation so that the ongoing blood loss does not worsen the patient's condition. In such cases, blood donated beforehand by others is given to the patient. 

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