I can still hear the echo of my mother's voice throughout my childhood telling us what to eat 'To Fix This' and what's food 'help with that' Yes, come to think of it, my three sisters's an I ware like little Laboratory research children with food, herbs, and nutrients used as medicines. Still, for us, thy work, and they considered as usual.

I remember the countless concoctions of rosehip syrup extracts, echinacea drop's chamomile teabag baths eucalyptus/tea tree oil steam inhalations. There was a copious amount of freshly squeezed lemon ginger and manuka honey with glycerine to fix cough and colds. Prunes were for constipation, and we had tubs of cod liver oil mixed with gooey malt extracts that tested like a thick syrupy, sweet toffee.

Growing up very poorly in the UK, our home-cooked meals were hearty and substantial, thick, meaty stews with a lot of different style lentils, pearl barley, swede, turnip, and a heap of mixed vegetables made with special dumplings, Lancashire hotspots, and Shepherd's pie were also favorites, and we religiously had a huge roast dinner on Sunday's. My mother loved to cook and enjoy healing. I can only ever recall eating takeaway food a handful of times throughout my childhood.

My ever-eccentric father taught us how to make 'coq au vin' when we were ten years old; I remember sharing this countless times at school to demonstrate how smart I was, I would 'phlegm' the french name from my throat, as my school friends never knew what it was. Still, the teacher did, My father also likes to make wine from freshly picked dandelions or elderberries (he even made a potato wine), I remember using a little fork to pull off thousands of elderberries from there endless, thin steam across the road in the park until my arms felt like they were going to drop off.

My mother is delighted I have chosen to live to teach many of the same beliefs and ideas I grew up with, to help people today, Of course, she is much older now, and she pays more attention to her diet, When she strays from healthy choice, her cholesterol level, and blood pressure usually worsen, How erev she is still my empirical evidence of the benefits of using natural and healing foods as antidotes throughout her life.

Studying a Bachelor's Degree in Health Science and Nutritional Medicine helped me to understand the science behind my mother's wisdom, teaching's and traditions, I have been fortunate and honored to have met with some essential gurus along the way. These mentors have provided me with the knowledge to be able to search for the real truth about nutrition, as well as to understand the main influences and directions. I have also learned that Chinese whispers can lead to many complications in the field of nutrition.

To me, an ideal world would be one where patients would visit their doctors and leave with a recipe for a wholesome meal, rather than a drug prescription. Of course, while I believe in the food for the prevention and treatment of many modern illnesses, I also think prescription drugs still play an essential role where medication is necessary.

Generally, we don't consider that fresh vegetables and fruit count towards our healing, but it's true, food is the most potent drug we have! Keep in mind that your nutritional needs are unique, and while particular foods may be curative in one person, it may aggravate a condition in another. Pay attention to what you eat, and get to know your healing foods. The most important tool you can use to change your health is your fork.

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Oct 25, 2020, 4:56 PM - Jayati Rawat
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