Fruits to Protect Your Skin | nutrition

Nutritional information of papaya:

The only thing different from other papayas is the fruit of its remarkable digestive properties. Papayas are rich in papain, an enzyme protein, that is effective if used in the digestive meat tenderizer.

It is suitable for stomach ulcers and fever, and many people believe that papayas are a great source of energy, fighting premature skin aging. They can also create a balance of intestinal flora after restoring the use of antibiotics.

It is an effective laxative and detergent for the liver, kidneys, and intestines and can dissolve excess mucus in the body.

Papayas are rich in beta carotene, vitamins C and E, and minerals of calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Melon Nutritional Information:

Melons belong to the same family as cucumbers. Foods are excellent fruit juices due to their high water content, which makes them excellent kidney diuretics and proper skin cleansing.

Like many other fruits and vegetables, most of the nutrients are found in meat directly on the skin, so be careful not to lose it if it is part of the peel. There are many select varieties of melons such as melon, sweet melon, watermelon, and Gallia. Fruits are nutritious and rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, and digestive enzymes.

The American Cancer Society highly recommends them as a healthy cure for cancer.

Melons should be eaten alone or on an empty stomach, as it ferments quickly in the stomach.

Berries | nutrition

Nutritional value of blueberries:

Cranberry juice is used for its healing properties as a natural diuretic and urinary tract cleanser. Quinine helped maintain the health of the bladder, kidneys, and prostate and was found to prevent prostate cancer effectively.

Nutritional Information Grapefruit

Grapefruit is one of the citrus family; it contains oranges, lemons, mandarins, clementines, and grapes. Grapefruit is also rich in vitamin C and is suitable for defending against colds and helps prevent gum bleeding.

Grapefruits are also a good source of beta carotene, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium. High concentrations of pectin were found on white skin. It is designed to control cholesterol levels and helps with known digestive disorders.

Bioflavonoids are also present in the marrow and have a protective effect on the anti-inflammatory properties of vitamin C and protect blood vessels and capillaries.

Pruning Nutrition Facts:

Plums are a variety of dried plums and are widely used as a natural laxative. Prune juice is as strong as all fruits and is a much healthier way to treat constipation than synthetic laxatives.

Nutritional value of raspberries:

Raspberries are good cleaning agents, especially in mucous and catarrhal conditions. They are naturally astringent and fix stomach problems and gum disease, as raspberries are rich in vitamins A and C and useful amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, making them valuable for heart problems, fatigue or depression. A raspberry juice cocktail before a meal stimulates appetite and aids digestion.


Bananas and pears

Nutritional value of bananas:

I always buy when I'm hungry, and I feel like the first thing that comes to mind is a banana. Everyone I know, their bananas may be a little different. I like my freckled tires, some like it soft and sweet, some only when they have permits. If you cook, if they are green, you will have more iron at this time.

Bananas are very nutritious and contain vitamin C and fiber. They have no fat or cholesterol. Vitamin C helps defend the body against infection and heals.

Potassium is the mineral that accumulates in bananas, the muscles. They do not contain sodium and are rich in potassium. A banana and a glass of water can provide two hours of hunger.

One medium banana contains about 100 calories.

Nutritional value of pears:

Pears are rich in vitamin C and B vitamins and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and iron, pear juice is good for digestion and helps normalize the intestine. It is an invaluable job for elimination diets due to its diuretic and laxative. Pears are one of the best urinary and gastrointestinal cleansing disorders due to their pectin.

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