Facts about Human body

  • Do you know our recent ancestors had the highest cranial capacities up to 1750cc? From the beginning of generation, evolution leads to a change in species with an increase in their cranial capacities. And modern days humans have 1400cc.
  • Did you notice a newborn infant cry without tears? This is because their Lacrimal gland isn't fully developed. From the day of birth, it takes three weeks or more than that for the full development of the Lacrimal gland though it doesn't cause dryness to eye because of the presence of basal tears which lubricants and keep eyes moisturized. 
  • Do you know we cry with types of tears, based on different conditions? 

1. Basal tears - To protect eyes from debris and keep eye surface lubricant and provide nourishment as well.                                                   2. Reflex tear - These forms when eyes come over the irritants like smoke, dust, or any particles. And also, form during irritation in the eye like itching, burning sensation while cutting an onion, etc.                                                                      3. Emotional tear - Tears coming out due to emotions belong to this category. It can be due to happiness, sadness, or any emotional feeling that makes you cry. 

  • Dehydration can lead to severe complications, so it is necessary to keep our body hydrated. Means of water loss from our body are urination, sweating, spitting, and also crying. How many of us think that crying doesn't affect the water content in our body? Maybe many of us and I felt in the same way. But it's false, over sorrow does change the water content and causes dehydration. So next time, while crying for a longer time, remember to take a sip of water until it stops crying. 
  • Many of us observed animals licking their wounds. These are because saliva contains properties that aid wounds healing and also fasten the process. And human saliva also has the same features. That's why oral wounds heal faster, and the application of saliva in outer body wounds also helps to treat by inhibiting bacterial growth. 
  • Human produces natural painkiller, which is named as Opiorphin. It is produced in human saliva only and is six times more powerful than morphine. Opiorphin is an analgesic ( analgesic= drug that reduces pain without inducing unconsciousness).
  • Sometimes we feel restless with continuous yawning even after having enough good sleep. It doesn't feel like sleeping but yawning. It is because of the deficiency of oxygen in our bodies. Therefore stretching helps more supply of oxygen in the blood and release of more carbon dioxide. So using yawn, we fulfill the demand of oxygen in our body. It is mostly in an adjacent room or room with less window or small passage for air to pass with many people. 
  • Out of the total energy production in our body, 25% of energy is consumed by our brain only. The primary function of the mind is to process and transmit information in the form of electric signals, so in that case, it's costly in terms of energy. 
  • The brain which accesses the full functionality of our body. How does it work? The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the right cerebral hemisphere and the left cerebral hemisphere connected by a bundle of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum. The hemisphere is not precisely symmetrical and works opposites. The left hemisphere controls the muscles on the right-hand side, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. One region is slightly dominant over others, depending on the activities of muscles. Most of the people use the right hand more than the left hand to perform daily activities, which tends to the development of the left hemisphere more than the right one. To develop both the region, we can do exercise and try doing activities with both sides of our body. 


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Wid Biki - Apr 7, 2020, 4:00 AM - Add Reply

Keep it up ??????

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Dimpi konwar - Apr 7, 2020, 6:23 AM - Add Reply

Thank you

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Namrata - Apr 8, 2020, 1:27 AM - Add Reply

Fabulous work Dimpi

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Dimpi konwar - Apr 8, 2020, 7:27 AM - Add Reply

Thank you so much?

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