Do you know the amazing benefits of waking up during Brahma Muhurta?

It is not a secret anymore that early risers enjoy many benefits as opposed to late risers. Although, many believe that it is a privilege to be able to sleep little longer in the morning hours. In fact, there is a common proverb, "late risers always exasperate early risers." However, this couldn’t be any further from the truth.

People are becoming more health conscious nowadays, especially considering the emergence of various serious illnesses and diseases in the recent past. One of the habits that most people like to adopt is waking up as early as possible in the morning everyday.

Waking early has a multitude of benefits, such as more available time in the morning hours to exercise; do yoga and meditation; read books, magazines, newspaper; cook some healthy breakfast; learn something new; develop some new habits and the list can go on. Some or all of these things can be done even by late risers, but what makes the difference is efficiency, freshness of mind and time at hand.

Those who utilize morning hours for extra sleep, can only do so at the cost of the most productive hours of a day. This applies to most of the people as there are always exceptions who feel more productive during other times of a day. But it is a scientifically proven fact that most of the humans, who follow biological clock for sleep pattern, tend to be most productive during early hours of a day.

Scientific studies and findings on early risers

There are scientific reasons for morning people to be more successful. These people are more proactive, better at problem solving, more productive and tend to be happier. They tend to exercise more which causes brain to secrete more chemical called neurotrophic factor, responsible for boosting brain function. They also have genes in their bodies to lower the risk of schizophrenia and depression offering higher sense of well-being.

As per the Indian Ayurvedic treatise Ashtanga Hridaya, waking up before sunrise can increase one’s lifespan and also curtail the possibilities of health issues and various illnesses. A report published by International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences suggests that early rising can boost immunity, balance blood pH, help in better absorption of minerals and vitamins, help in reducing pain, soreness, cramps, improve energy level in the body, etc.


Spiritual Benefits of Brahma Muhurt

What is Brahma Muhurt? As per ancient Indian system, a day is divided into 30 different periods. Each such period last 48 minutes. Each of these periods is known as a Muhurt. The last two Muhurt, just before sunrise in the morning, is together known as Brahma Muhurt. For example, if the sun rises on a particular day at 6:00 AM, the Brahma Muhurt will start 48+48=96 minutes (or 1 hr and 36 minutes) prior to that, i.e. at 4:25 AM and will end exactly at 6:00 AM. So, in this case, the Brahma Muhurt would be 4:25 AM to 6:00 AM.

As per Indian ancient spiritual science, following are the main spiritual benefits of waking up during Braham Muhurt:

  • Higher spiritual vibration traveling North-South direction – helps in deepening of meditation

  • Higher level of Jeeva Amrutha (nascent oxygen) – rejuvenates nervous system for enhanced yoga and meditation

  • Maximum secretion of melatonin by pineal gland – better stability in human system, thus better results from spiritual practices

  • Less or no mental confusion – thus increased concentration on spiritual eye (Ajna Chakra)

  • Quiet surrounding – thus creating conducive environment for spiritual practices

  • Heightened awareness – a possibility for sudden Self-realization (the ultimate goal of a spiritual aspirant)

To enjoy these spiritual benefits, one must engage in spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, reading of spiritual books, scriptures, chanting of sacred mantras and divine names, etc. during Brahma Muhurt.


For more details on these findings, check out the following reports by scientific communities:

“Proactive People Are Morning People” by Harvard Biologist Christoph Randler:

The study on circadian biology and its links to disease in humans by Jacqueline Lane, an instructor of medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and author of the study published in Nature Communication

“Regular exercise releases brain chemicals key for memory, concentration, and mental sharpness, from the May 2013 Harvard Men's Health Watch” publishes by Harvard Medical School.

“A Review on impact of Brahma-muhurta on attitude of Yoga in the life style disorder: Diabetes mellitus” by International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences


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