7 Simple Tips to Overcome Laziness

What is Laziness?


Laziness means the desire to procrastinate and postpone doing things, to be idle and resist the effort, and to be fine with letting the things as they are.

But in order to achieve our goals, keep living a healthy and active life, and utilizing the time to the best and live each moment of life to the fullest, we have to learn to get rid of laziness.

Simple Tricks to Overcome Laziness:

1) Break your tasks to smaller chunks:


Our brain often avoids the tasks that seem too big, daunting, lengthy, or tiring to save our energy for vital roles. The way to trick our brains is to divide the whole task into smaller tasks. Fixing reasonable milestones gives you the satisfaction of progress and boosts up your will for achieving a further milestone. You can have an easy track of your progress and growth is you follow the milestone strategy.

2) Maintain a healthy schedule and lifestyle:


Our body and brain both need proper sleep, rest, and exercise. Exercising daily for atleast 20 minutes boosts your activeness throughout the day. It is a good practice to rest for some time whenever we feel tired or lose focus. Maintain a good sleep routine and prioritize sleep over everything for atleast 7 hrs a day.

3) Get a source of Motivation: 


Sometimes having no motivation makes you lazy. Motivation gives you instant trust to get up and work. So it's very important to have a positive motivation for your goal and strengthening your motivations with visualizations and affirmations.

4) Avoid Multitasking:


Doing multiple tasks together makes your brain tired very soon, and you may not get the desired results in any of the tasks. So better, focus on one thing at a time, and this trick your brain of having reasonable tasks, and you will not feel lazy.

5) Have a Role Model:

Having the example and guidance of someone who has done excellently in work or field helps you to overcome laziness as you try to learn from the person's approach and strategy for success and try to imbibe what suits you. It is always advisable to have examples of the superiors in the particular field.

6) Think about the benefits: 

Focusing on the difficulties of the tasks leads to avoidance of the task and discouragement. But on the other hand, if you focus on the benefits that you will gain from leaving the bed and taking actions, you will get an instant motivation to work for your goals. So, always take care to focus your mind and attention on the benefits rather than the hurdles and difficulties.

7) Think about the consequences:

Imagine what would happen to your future self if you succumb to laziness today. Think of what would happen if you dont work or take actions towards your goal, what, and how much you could lose. If this thought frightens you, you will surely hop out of your couch. This is the best way to feel motivated to take the necessary actions before its too late and prevents you from letting you waste your time.

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