20 best advices for student life by a student

1. To read at first, one needs to find a suitable place for reading. Ex- one must sit at a table or anywhere but keeping the backbone straight.

2. To memorize the answer. Quickly one needs to read attentively and loudly.

3. The best way to memorize and. Is to do mathematics more and more.

4. If one cannot find attentiveness in the study, he/she needs to close their book immediately. And take a walk for only 2-3minutes to remove the monotony. Then he/she can find complete attention in the study.

5. The main thing is to read with joy and with your own will. One needs to maintain discipline for doing any activities. To read in the time of reading and to play in a time of playing and to sleep in time of sleeping.

6. To take adequate food and entertainment to be good in education. Without a sound mind and body, one cannot give proper attention to their studies.

7. Students must not use the phone at a time for 2 hours. The use must be lessened. The addicts a student in unnecessary works more than necessary. Mainly it detaches them from the study.

8. To use the internet in the study rather than roaming other unnecessary sites.

9. To have love and care for the books.

10. A important tip for the boys is to have self-respect for them. Because they possess a good memory than girls, so they must do a good result than girls. ? And for the girls is they need to be hard working.

11. If anybody has any boyfriend or girlfriend, they must help each other in their studies without taking any unnecessary discussion. The success lies in it.

12. Play quizzes and brainstorm games.

13. If some having any noise problem the put your earphone or microphone inside your ear. But do not listen to any music.

14. To play more outdoor games rather than phone games. Phone games make students uncareful to their studies. But online games must be prohibited because they cost both money and unpayable time.

15. To be wise in choosing your friends. It would be best if you noticed in which line they are - educative or time waster. Because you will immetiate your friends, that's what people do. A good student becomes bad. And a bad student becomes good with the help of his friend. And once a bad student becomes a good student, then nobody can stop him from his ambition. But if a good student becomes bad, then nobody can get back his previous position.

16. Respect lies with education, so one must read with self-respect. 

17. To attend school or college every day because it helps to catch up with your study. But in this unfavorable time of corona, they must do online classes daily.

18. Not to waste time in sheer idleness.

19. To read inspirable stories of great men.

20. The most important thing is reading depends on a person based on their ambition and will power. If anybody has the will, then he will succeed. But without it, they are just a waste of the world.

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I am just a kid born to be many things?.