20 Baby care tips for new moms

20 Baby care tips for new moms:

With a child, Mao is born who understands nothing, but taking care of the child is extremely important. So, if you are a new mother and are concerned about how to take care of your newborn baby, we can help you with baby care advice. Here's an easy way to make your life easier. The arrival of your baby has been marked as a special joy in your life and it opens up a whole new world for you. However, caring for a newborn at some point can be a bit overwhelming, especially for first-time mothers. But don’t worry, follow our baby care tips to travel seamlessly in the early stages and then become a professional in favor of parenting. Here's what you need to do.

1. Ensure self-health: Be sure to always wash or sanitize your hands and wear fresh clean clothes to prevent infections and other induced allergies in your baby.

2. Hold your baby right: When you hold your baby, his head should be curled up with your hands supporting your newborn's spine. Use your other hand to lightly place it on the chest or abdomen, to feed your baby's cheeks.

3. Do not shake your baby too hard: Did you know that shaking your baby can also cause a brain injury? Whether you’re trying to keep him asleep or just comforting him, shaking him won’t help you achieve your goal is instead just rock him gently from side to side.

4. Don’t Be Rough: Remember your newborn is not ready for a tough play. So all that throwing in the air, jiggling the baby on your knees isn’t advisable.

5. Give Skin-to-skin contact: Be aware that your baby needs to sink with the experience of being transferred from your womb to the earth. To make it easier, she can give him adequate skin-to-skin contact, which will help her feel your warmth and stay close to her mother's heart. She only heard your heartbeat during your pregnancy, so holding your baby close to your heart while making adequate skin-to-skin contact can make her feel more secure and relax her senses. Even parents can do the same during kangaroo care practice

6. Talk to your child often: There are many hidden benefits to talking to your newborn. One of them is that it helps in the development of the baby's brain and helps your baby to pick up words faster. Want to know more, it helps to establish a better relationship with your child. This simple task can also help you fight baby blues.

7. Check diapers: Do this often. Check diapers every four hours or so. A healthy newborn urinates very frequently. Putting your baby in a dirty diaper can cause the diaper to crack.

8. Feed on demand: There are only two things your baby needs in the first days - proper feed and adequate sleep. Now sleeping will be complicated because even if your newborn is supposed to get 16 to 20 hours of sleep a day, he probably doesn’t get that much sleep. Your baby will probably call for a feed every two hours or less. Ready to give a feed according to demand.If you choose to breastfeed your baby, hold your baby properly, and make sure there is enough area inside his mouth to avoid air intake. If you opt for formula, be prepared to put in the effort. Keep boiled water in the thermos and prepare a fresh feed each time you need to give her one. Discard any amount of leftover. If your baby skipped a meal and has been sleeping for more than five hours at a stretch, wake her up to offer a feed. But avoid force-feeding. If your baby refuses a feed, play, cuddle and sing a lullaby and then try again later.

9. Disinfect bottle and breast pump regularly: Wash and disinfect food bottles at least twice a day. Be sure to do the same with the parts of your breast pump that can be disinfected. Don't forget the tits. If possible, rinse well before each feed.

10. Ensure proper sailor cord care: A portion of your newborn's navel will remain attached to it for at least 10 days or three weeks after birth. This is a sensitive area for your baby and it is important to take care of it. Apply medicated powder prescribed by your doctor to keep the area dry and help in quick healing. Wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid any pressure on your area. Once dry and fall, continue your care routine until the area is completely healed.

11. Your baby's right: Once the umbilical cord falls off and the area heals, your baby will graduate from a sponge bath to a normal bath. Use caution when handling your baby while bathing.

12.Your baby right:  Do this after each feed. With the chin resting on your shoulder, hold your baby straight and tap on his back. Move your hand from the bottom to the top of the back. If he takes in the air during his feeds, his systems will release it after snatching it. This protects him from the symptoms, helps him to sleep better, and helps indigestion. Learn how to handle your child's click.

13. Let your baby sleep in a cage or baby cot: Many experts advise against co-sleep to avoid SIDS or sudden infant mortality syndrome. But if you still want to do this, make sure your baby has enough space to sleep and hang out. Otherwise, let him sleep in a bed or cage right next to his bed so that you can quickly attend to his demands until late at night.

14. Keep soft toys away from the bed: As a rule of thumb, keep all toys, pillows, and soft toys away from your baby's bed or sleeping area. Your newborn's breathing may be from soft toys to fur breathing problems or allergies; It could be SIDS. Keep pillows and toys away from your baby's sleeping area to avoid suffocation or an accident.

15. Clean your baby's room often: Keep your baby's house flashing clean and make sure you keep him away from the house while dusting and cleaning. This will help him to stop airborne infections and allergens.

16. Dress your baby right: Newborn baby shops will be dazzling with fancy and colorful clothes but will miss them. You're doing very well to separate their baby. Stick to good cotton swabs and avoid buttons, bows, or tees that need to be pulled over your baby's brittle head. Cotton is the best bet for newborns; They keep their delicate skin safe and keep allergies off.

17. Always calm your crying baby: There is a common saying that crying for your baby is good for his lungs. Although crying is considered an important physiological phenomenon, it is not wise to let your child shed tears. This can lead to emotional distress. In fact, remember that crying is the way to talk about something that went wrong with you. Look closely at the signs to make sure you can take part in her needs.

18. Never leave your child: Did you know that your baby can roll around as early as two months? You never know when your child will reach his or her milestone and how fast he or she can go. Never keep him in bed, bathing, or even in a cage to avoid accidents.

19. See your doctor if necessary: Fever, diarrhea, nausea - can affect your little one at any time. Never try to self-medicate. Reach out to your pediatrician for help even if it means seeing a doctor twice a week. Don’t leave anything to chance in caring for the baby.

20. Pray for your baby: Tell your child the stories of good people so that he will like them. And always pray to God that your child is honest.

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Amir - Jul 1, 2020, 9:19 AM - Add Reply

so nice

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