10 ways for making life happy

01. Helping peoples around you

Help others by being an example of love. Often, the best way to help is to be an example as you inspire and empower those around you.

Here's a too incomplete list, to get you thinking — I'm sure you can come up with thousands more if you think about it.
  • Smile and be friendly.
  • Call a charity to volunteer.
  • Donate something you don't use.
  • Make a donation. 
  • Redirect gifts.
  • Stop to help.
  • Teach.
  • Comfort someone in grief

2. Having a joyful heart

Have a joyful heart, and the world is filled with possibilities. When we have joy in our hearts,we can't help but see the world is filled with possibilities. A joyful heart is something that everyone desires to have, and according to Proverbs, having a joyful heart is like good medicine.

3. Motivate yourself

Hold light in your soul and allow it to illuminate your way. Live your every moment happily.

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself.

Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.”
Wayne Dyer

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
Zig Ziglar

4. Heal your wounds

Heal emotional wounds by taking time with them.Suppressed and repressed emotion can continue to weigh you down and resurface in your life.Healing takes time, and you walk that path in your own way. Not because someone else told you what healing looks like for them, but because your heart showed you what it feels like for you.

5. Gather memories

Gather memories and experiences,they are truly the great treasures. As we reflect back in our lives,most often it's the memories of our connections and experiences that we treasure most?

i“Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart.”

― Haruki Murakami

6. Greet each person you meet

Greet each person you meet with your full heart.When we connect from the heart, coherence occur.This small action could have profound effect on not only us,but everything around us.

7. Be Playful

Giggle and be playful-embracing your fun loving nature.Be willing to be silly every now and then-it's good for the soul?

“I am so tired.
I have grown old from being serious.
I have grown ill from being serious.
I want to laugh at myself.
I want to forget myself.
I am so tired.”
― Kamand Kojouri

7. Feel the beauty of nature

Feel the beauty of world with all of your soul.Take a few moment everyday to engage your senses and feel the world around you.

Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself.     

L. Wolfe Gilbert

8. Finish each day with peace

Finish each day with gratitude in your heart and love in your soul.Phycosomatic research has discovered that feeling grateful before rest can help people sleep longer and better.Whether it's peace of mind or peace on earth you're after, it all begins with making an effort to be more calm and present.

9. Fill your life with memories

Fill your life with memories you desire to look back upon. Experiences build our memories.Choose experiences you'll cherish and then be fully attentive within them.Memory is a record of your personal experience. It is a record of trial and error, defeat and success. Past failures will warn you against repeating them

10. Enjoy your life

Enjoy the every moment of your life.Be happy and never sad without any bad situation .Be kind to the peoples around you.

“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”
― Rainer Maria Rilke

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