10 least corrupt countries in the world

Corruption has become almost inevitable worldwide and it has attacked every fine government there since archaeological times. Every country has its own dose of corruption - no matter how big or small the situation is or how poor or rich the country is. However, there are some countries that were better than others in terms of potential problems that could reduce risk and give rise to corruption. Corruption is like a viral disease; It spreads from the bottom of the food chain to sitting on the throne of power. These countries have made greater efforts to ensure that corruption does not affect all communities in the country and that the scene of corruption is included. In reality, corruption has become such a global problem that no solution has been found so far.

Here is a list of the ten least corrupt countries in the world. These countries were ranked by Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2012. Using a zero to 100 rate scale, these countries have so far successfully controlled their corruption situation.



1 Denmark

A state in the Scandinavian region of northern Europe, with Sweden, better known as Denmark or the Kingdom of Denmark. This country ranks first among the least corrupt countries. It takes a lot more confidence to be able to trust your leadership or government. Denmark is the number one European country and, as listed, the least corrupt country in the world.

least corrupt countries in the world



2 Finland

Finland is a Nordic country located in the Fennoscandia region of northern Europe. Finland has been at the forefront of corruption scaling for several years. Disclosure of information and transparency is their biggest problem they had to deal with in the fight against corruption. Another different aspect of Finland is that the public is heavily involved in potential law enforcement violations. Through this, transparency is highlighted.

least corrupt countries in the world



3 New Zealand

Over the years, New Zealand, an island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, has maintained high scores on the Corruption Perceptions Index scale. With a full score of 90, New Zealanders are convinced that they are definitely living in a less corrupt country. The country also has a process called "grade corruption" in which corruption is discussed with conviction and they even create rules that can break the law, to ensure that they are at the top of the commitment against fraud and corruption.

least corrupt countries in the world



4 Sweden

Sweden, a Scandinavian country affiliated with Denmark, has a high score of 8 on the Corruption Perceptions Index. This is an impressive score and the world needs to know how Sweden ensures that government officials are not engaged in any corrupt practices or activities. In this country, it is permissible for a government official to see the expenditure claims. This allows the government to ensure that its process is transparent.

least corrupt countries in the world



5 Singapore

Singapore is one of the toughest countries in the Asian continent. Like other least corrupt countries in the world, they want to cover up corruption. The best strategy among them is to pay local political leaders a reasonably high salary so that they are already satisfied and not tempted to resort to corruption. In order to have this process, it can be considered as a much-defined step from the country of Singapore. In addition, Singapore has an effective criminal justice system and citizens have the right to freedom of speech.

least corrupt countries in the world



6 Switzerland

Known as the Swiss Confederation, it is one of the oldest constitutions in the world. Switzerland has been known for maintaining its high level of anti-corruption status for years. This is very impressive for a continuously developing country. Switzerland's strategy was to give special attention and extra attention to bribes from government officials to discourage people from using it as a common practice to get what they wanted. Bribing a government official is considered a criminal offense; Both Swiss and foreign. Switzerland is certainly not the right place for bribery and corruption because they take these two negative conditions very seriously. Switzerland got an 86 on the index.

least corrupt countries in the world



7 Australia

The sixth-largest country in the world in terms of total area and a country known by a distinct accent. Australia has the same score on the 75 index, which is in alliance with Norway. Essentially, officials in Australia and Norway have the same broad guidelines for ethnic groups in these countries, which is why both were effective in preventing corruption in their countries. Australia has set up an Anti-Corruption Agency, the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC), designed solely to enhance and enhance the values and integrity of the public sector in the Western Australian Territory. The CCCO helps the country's public sector to ensure that all officials follow the rules and avoid any misconduct that could lead to corruption.

least corrupt countries in the world



8 Norway

The country is the sole constitutional monarchy of Scandinavia, whose territory is in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, compromised with Jan Mayen and the Arctic archipelago. Norway ranks eighth on this list and is known for providing adequate and appropriate training to its officers and officials on the consequences of corruption. The country's defense minister, Eric Lund-Isaacson, once said his ministry was dedicated to taking action against corruption and eradicating it. The country is proud of its legal framework, code of conduct, and the values ​​they support. These standards serve as a guide for their service officers and officials as Norwegian corrupt officials.

least corrupt countries in the world



9 Canada

This country is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Canada has the same score as the Netherlands, which ranks it ninth in the Corruption Perceptions Index. Still, Canadians are satisfied with their government because they can enjoy their basic rights and have the freedom and independence to cherish their country. The Canadian government has been very progressive in curbing corruption in their country.

least corrupt countries in the world



10 Netherlands

The Netherlands is a constituent country of the state, consisting of 12 provinces in northwestern Europe and three islands in the Caribbean. The Netherlands has proven to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world with a score of 64 on the Corruption Perceptions Index. Worldwide, the Netherlands is known for its neutrality as well as the prevailing tradition of existing social tolerance. What is even more admirable about this country is that its judiciary is independent, so it is less likely that any party will take sides. It is also believed that their judiciary is completely free of make-up. The Netherlands should start looking for a better model country in the world.


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May 30, 2020, 9:51 AM - Prasenjeet Sarkar Anik