YouTube Vs Blogging which is good to start?

YouTube Vs. Blogging which is good to start?

When you want to share your posts, views, tips, videos, you would first create a blog. If you want to publish the videos, too, you have to upload them to YouTube.

Well, bloggers do not need a video to get more eyeballs to their blogs. Bloggers can upload the videos to YouTube as well. There is no challenge to make a video.

YouTube Vs. Blogging The YouTube video is very easy to make, and the easiest way is to get your followers and fans as subscribers. You need to upload it, and you can get it as a YouTube channel and blog format.

The blog is also getting much traction because of YouTube. The videos will get views, comments, shares, and most importantly, comments. The comments allow you to get more followers, more views, and maybe in return, you will get more subscribers.

You can use YouTube as your platform to host videos and make an audience for your blog. The audience will get the link to your videos as they get very interested in seeing them.

It is good if you are sharing the videos from Youtube as the view counts may be huge. There is also a blog that allows people to write blogs that can be in blog format.

YouTube Vs. Blogging Comparison

 If you are planning to use YouTube to get more views and blogging, blogging may be your platform. So here we are comparing YouTube Vs. Blogging, that is, YouTube Vs. Blogging.

If you find yourself thinking about blogging and which platform is better to blog, use YouTube to get people. Blogging is a good platform, but try to do something different, something viral.

Use YouTube to get many views, comments, and subscribers, and you may get more followers. As a blogger, you should promote the YouTube videos and your blog to get a lot of views.

Then when people see your YouTube videos, they will leave the blog as well, which is great. Nowadays, Twitter has turned out to be the platform to get a lot of exposure. With a huge following, Twitter has become a lot of social media.

In social media, Twitter and YouTube are considered the platforms that are best for bloggers. YouTube is viewed as the platform that lets you upload videos and get huge popularity.

But in social media, Twitter and Blogging are the best. If you have the following in mind when making a video, you can make many videos and get a lot of views on YouTube.

1. Make a video for YouTube

As mentioned earlier in this article, YouTube videos get a lot of views as well. If you have something to share with your followers or readers, do it on YouTube and get the most views.

You can share your YouTube videos with other blogs. You can use YouTube Blogging as well. The video can be shared on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. The videos get more views when they are shared on other social media websites.

2. Make a Blog and Start Blogging

The YouTube videos will get more views if you share the videos on the blog too. You can use the video on your blog as a blog post and get a lot of traffic.

So, in this case, it is better to make a blog and post it in the blogs that you are blogging on. It is not important to do the videos on YouTube, but the blog posts can be uploaded on the blogs and get some views.

It is worth blogging on your blog. If you are blogging with the right theme, you can get some more views on the blog. You will also get a lot of traffic to your blog and your videos.

You can add the videos you make on YouTube as part of the blog post, which will help you get more traffic and views. YouTube is now getting very popular for photo blogging.

People are using it a lot as a photo blogging platform. You can use the blogs on your website and upload the photo on your blog too. Use the videos as a slideshow and get a lot of views on your blog.

You can also upload the blog posts on your social media sites and get more people to read the blogs. If the blog post gets enough traffic, you can get more views from other social media websites.

But, most people are not interested in reading blogs; they want to see a video to watch your video. This is a big mistake if you want to get lots of readers and views for your blog.

Facebook is also a great platform to get your blog out there to the social media world. And you can use YouTube videos to promote your blogs and social media posts as well.


If you are a blogger and make the videos on YouTube, then make sure that you post the videos on your social media accounts, blogs, and news sites.

Posting a video on YouTube will get you more views. Doing this will get a lot of traffic to your blog, and it will get more views than any other website, and it will give you more traffic than the YouTube videos. Here are some tips to make your YouTube Videos.

So if you post a popular YouTube video, you will get a lot of views on YouTube. If the video is in different languages, then you can have different subtitles for your YouTube videos.

This will get a lot of views as well. Comment on YouTube People will also comment on the YouTube videos to get views. That is also another way to get more views for your videos.

You can comment on YouTube videos that you have seen earlier and get more views on YouTube. Create a YouTube Blog A YouTube blog is better than sharing your YouTube videos on other social media websites.

Use the YouTube videos that you make on other websites to make a YouTube blog. You can share the YouTube videos on other social media websites and websites as well.

Create a YouTube Blog and upload the videos on YouTube as well. This will help you get a lot of views for your blog.

You can get many people to see your YouTube videos, and if it gets the right kind of people to read it and like it, it will be much more successful for you than sharing the YouTube videos only on social media websites.

Blogging is a great way to get a lot of traffic to your blog. Blogging is a great way to get more traffic to your blog, and it will help you gain more popularity on the blog.

Social Media When you blog on your own blog and social media sites, you get many followers for your blog. Blogging will help you get more followers for your blog. This is a good way to promote the blog post to get more traffic to the blog.

But, if you blog on social media websites, then your blog posts will get much more traffic. Here are some steps to make your YouTube videos more successful: Make your Videos, Watch the videos, Post your videos on YouTube, Make your videos short as possible.

If you upload a 30-45 second video, it is better for YouTube, as it will get many views on YouTube. You can make a video out of your blog if you have uploaded it on YouTube as well.

If you upload the blog on other social media websites, then it will get a lot of views on the social media websites as well. You can put some of the YouTube videos in your blog.

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