You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of 5 Deadliest Natural Disasters.

The human history, from the beginning, has seen many violent natural disasters. Some of them, in ancient times, have lost in history. These natural disasters have caused a huge impairment to the victims but some of them have just eradicated the entire civilizations. However, the main causes are earthquake, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, etc. here are 5 violent natural disasters that you should know and recall.
        1.      Disaster of Mediterranean Island
mediterranian%2Bisland%2Bdisaster%252C%2Bnatural%2Bdisaster%252C%2Bdeadliest%2Bdisasters.jpgThis is a disaster of ancient times. Due to which, it has lost in history. This horrible accident occurred around 1500 B.C. the cause of disaster was volcanic eruption and tsunami. It is believed that the whole Minoan Civilization was eradicated from the island. We can never know the exact death toll in that disaster. However, there are rough estimations.
2.      Haiyuan Earthquake (1920) 
The horrible earthquake of Haiyuan country of central china happened on Dec 16, 1920. According to U.S Geological Survey (USGS), the earthquake was of magnitude 7.8. It was felt from Yellow Sea to Qinghai (A province in China). A 2010 study shows the death toll as 273,400 people died. Many of them were buried under landslides. According to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the earthquake destroyed four cities and removed many towns and villages from the map by burying them.
3.      Tangshan Earthquake (1976)


tangshan%2Bearthquake%2B1976%252C%2Bhorrible%2Bdisasters%252C%2Bnatural%2Bdisasters.jpgThe Tangshan earthquake is another dreadful disaster. It destroyed almost the overall city. The magnitude of earthquake was 7.8. The quake began at 3:42 A.M on July 28, 1976. 

Tangshan is an industrial city and had a population of one million. According to officials, 255,000 people died and 700,000 were injured. The earthquake destroyed the city completely.  In next six years, 150,000 people got new houses. However, the disaster will always remain alive in the Chinese history.  
       4.      Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami (2004)


indian%2Bocean%2Bearthquake%252C%2Btsunami%2Bof%2Bindian%2Bocean.pngThe Indian Ocean disaster is one of the deadliest natural disasters that caused a big impairment to many countries. The reason of disaster was a tsunami caused by an earthquake of magnitude 9.3. The earthquake occurred undersea of the west coast of Sumatra on Dec 26, 2004. The height of tsunami was recorded 98 feet (30 meters). The tsunami affected 14 countries and killed 230,000 to 280,000 people. The most affected country was Indonesia. According to Indonesian officials, 126, 473 people were killed and 93, 943 were missing.  Sri Lanka ranked second with a figure of 36, 594 dead and missing.
    5.      Haiti earthquake (2010)
The disaster of Haiti is also one of awful disasters in the world. It snatched the lives of hundreds of people.  The incident happened on January 12, 2010. The report of death counts came to light after one year. In January 2011, the government of Haiti revealed that the disaster has caused 230,000 deaths. The death toll was restated after the revision which was 316,000 deaths. These two reports, however, were disputed. In 2010, a study published in the journal Medicine, Conflict and Survival showed less number of deaths i.e. 160,000. However, the report of U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) expressed a lesser number which was 46,000 to 85,000. 

Counting deaths in these disasters is even not possible in today’s era. According to political wrangling, the number of deaths goes up to the official report. According to critics of Haiti, the death toll was represented high in order to get more international funds. On other side, critics were arguing that USAID leaked the government to blame the government. These are five disasters which left very bad impacts on the affected areas and their people. These disasters will always be saved in the history. Natural disasters are something we do not have control over. But to some extent, we can save ourselves by taking protective measures.  


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