Writing down clearly defined goals

The importance of writing down goals

1. Serves as a reminder

Writing down your goals helps to prompt you of what you're attempting to realize.

Funny enough we forget so many good ideas without even realizing it, they vanish as soon as they pop up in our minds.

One way to assist keep this under control is to write down down your ideas as shortly as they pop into your mind.

When you see the goals you have got written down, you are reminded of your objective.


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2. It’s a way of bringing your vision into reality

Our ideas will remain stuck in our minds until we write them down and commit to achieving them.

Most people have lofty visions for his or her lives, but not until it is written down, they risk of not achieving their goals.


3. It can be used as a way of tracking your progress

In process of achieving your goals is very important to keep track of progress made along the line. You should keep track of your failures, that way you are likely not to repeat the mistakes that made you fail. When you have a record of the progress made in process of achieving your goals, you will feel encouraged to try harder.

It will also help you to know what’s working that you should adopt and what’s not working that you should drop.

4. It helps you filter opportunities

As you begin to achieve success in certain areas of your life, you will find more opportunities coming your way. Sometimes these opportunities become a distraction that can push you off track.

So to unravel this drawback you may have to be compelled to value your list of written down goals on a continuing basis and forgot those things which may push you astray.

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Being positive