whyTurning Traffic In To Adsense

If you've been running AdSense ads on your site for a while and feel like you're not making enough money, 99.99% of the time you're right. Most people are frustrated when they don't get the revenue they expect. This is due to traffic and CTR. There are many ways to convert your traffic into AdSense traffic. Here's a description and a short list of each. The first thing to do is optimize the content of your website. While for some this is not an option (much harder if you run a forum, for example), most can turn her AdSense site into a real moneymaker. First, you need to find out what your website's keywords are. This is a basic SEO (search engine optimization) technique known as keyword density checking.  Then you need to take that word list and search Overture's search inventory or Google Ads sandbox to see what other words are more effective than the one you're currently using. From this point, try to focus your site on the most frequent keyword suggestions you receive. Try to include these keywords, or at least some related keywords, in your site links as often as possible. Just as Google AdSense works to improve your Google PageRank, AdSense banners will serve you better ads and will definitely increase your earnings. Continually adding new pages to your website is also important. This is very important because the more pages you have, the more likely you are to get traffic to your ads. Choosing the right format and optimal location for your AdSense banner is also very important. This is a broader topic, but in general, know that the three main formats for Google AdSense are 336x280 large rectangle, 300x250 medium rectangle, and 160x600 skyscraper. Must be, make sure you choose the right colors for your ad. If they differ too much from your website content (or just in a wrong way), your visitors will see them as banners. The website itself. Place these ads where they generate the most profit. In most cases, this location should be placed just before the actual content of your site starts. On pages with long body text, you may find that skyscrapers work well for the simple reason that users are exposed to skyscrapers for long periods of time. Also, on sites with news or similar articles, placing it at the bottom of the content may be a good position. This is because people have finished reading your article and are looking for another article. If you have a lot of text on your page, you should use more AdSense blocks. Using this technique improperly can result in a much lower CTR and revenue than you initially got, so don't overdo it. You can add up to 3 units, so use them wisely. There is a Google AdSense preview tool that allows you to visualize the ads being displayed on your page and is a very useful testing mechanism. Make sure you comply with the AdSense policy on click fraud. As a guideline, you can place the image next to the ad, but leave some space in between, so it doesn't look like an invitation to click the link. Of course, there are other ways to increase his AdSense traffic from your site, but these should be a good starting point for maximizing your income.

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ABRAR HASSAN - Oct 31, 2022, 11:40 PM - Add Reply

nice bro

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ABRAR HASSAN - Nov 1, 2022, 12:43 AM - Add Reply


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ABRAR HASSAN - Nov 1, 2022, 7:38 AM - Add Reply

very well

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ABRAR HASSAN - Nov 1, 2022, 7:40 AM - Add Reply

keep it up

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