Why the Law of Attraction is the most powerful Energy?


Today we are going to talk about the Law of attraction. Most people must have known about this Law and must be using it in their life, but some must not be aware of it. What is the Law of attraction? How does it work? And how we implement it in our life? I will share it today with all of you in a very simple way.

What is the Law of attraction?

It is a Universal power that connects us directly with the Universe. This power helps us to get what we want, what we need, like dreams, Goals, things, and whatever exists in the world, didn't it interesting?

Most of the people don't believe in this Law; I'll not say to believe it or not, it doesn't matter if you believe or not, it works 24 into 7. Those who have implemented it and believed it works like a charm, from my side, I truly believe it's a great power which I have ever seen in my life and most of the things I have manifested through this powerful Law.

How does it work?

It works on your thought because what we think we create, it works on your feelings, belief, and actions. Most of you must have heard that whatever we want to do from our true heart, we get it anyhow, but some will say that they have never got whatever he wanted, correct?

I'll tell you why it happens. Everything in the Universe is energy, even we humans also a form of pure energy, and it is scientifically proven that we humans are made up of electron, neutron, and proton.

What we think we Become.

Whatever we have today, we must have thought about that, then only those things we have now. This attraction power is very loyal; this works only on your words, emotions, and whatever you need, it brings it into your life. I would like to share some examples with all of you that actually how it works.

Example:- Where I am going now, I don't want to be late, and what happens eventually Late. I have given the exams, but I don't want to fail, and what happens in most of the cases, fail. We go for urgent work outside, and eventually, it doesn't happen, then we say, "The things that I was scared of have happened". This Universal power works like this, "Like Attracts Like."       

On what things we do focus we attract, if we focus on Fail, then failure will come, and if you focus on the positive outcome but from inside, you are scared or have negative thinking; nevertheless, you'll attract negative outcomes.

How it works, I'll explain, as all we know that we humans are the form of energy, and our feelings are frequency, what we ask with the frequency we attract those things or circumstances into our lives, and this Universe works on your frequency and your words.

If we are asking for anything with Positive frequency, we receive positive outcomes, but if we ask for a universe with the negative frequency, we receive negative outcomes. Whatever we ask with full trust and happiness, we receive the same.

The poor think about their poverty; he remains in poverty, the sick person thinks about their sickness or disease, he always remains in the same stage, a debtor thinks about their loan he always remains in the same circumstances. Remember, on what we do focus, it expands and attracts, and it is scientifically proven also. 

Our thoughts and emotions are very powerful, and you will be shocked to know that through this Law of attraction, you can attract whatever you think like, Stuff, circumstances, people and now many people have claimed that they have achieved many things in their life like, Car, job, life partner, circumstances, house, etc.


How to use this power of the Law of attraction

1st Step

Ask a wish from this Universe, and be clear what you want. 

2nd Step

You have to believe that you will receive those things, do not think that how it will happen, when it would happen, it is not possible, etc., etc., Universe will arrange all the things in their secret way.

3rd Step

Visualize about your wish that if it happens, then how you feel how you will be after receiving that,  think and visualize it full of Joy, happiness because it is the stage where we start to emit a frequency.

4th Step

Start taking action the action is a very important part of this process; if you are fat and want to be thin, you'll have to do some exercises or gym; if you need a job, you will have to get prepared for that. So take each action for your dreams and goal.

Step 5th

Consistency, It is the most important thing, the consistency as you must have heard that

"Water cuts the rock not because of their strength because of their consistency."

Many leave this process of the Law of attraction when they do not get a result, remember everything happens at the correct time, so you will have to be very patient and consistent. The Universe will give you everything at the correct time.

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Hey, my name is Nikhil Sharma and I always share mysterious, amazing, spiritual, and enigmatic facts.

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