Why should you learn OOPs before learning any programming language?

Object-Oriented Programming Languages: Should You Learn Them?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a popular method for building new programs. Learn about popular OOP languages and how you can benefit from learning them.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a way of thinking about and organizing code so that it can be reused as much as possible. A programme in this type of programming consists of objects that can interact with the user, other objects, or other programmes. This improves programme efficiency and comprehension. OOP principles are used by three of the top five most popular programming languages in the world in 2022. In the following article, you can learn more about object-oriented programming languages and whether they're right for you.

What is the definition of object-oriented programming?

There are four aspects of object-oriented programming that you should be aware of:


       Encapsulation is the combination of data and the methods that interact with that data into a single unit. This allows you to restrict access to the data contained within each object.


      When creating an object, the coder reduces complexity by displaying only necessary information and "hiding" everything else, including implementation mechanisms.


     A programmer can derive a new object from an existing object that has all or some of its properties. A child class, for example, will inherit properties and behaviors from its parent class.


     This allows us to use child and parent classes in the same way while retaining the unique characteristics of each class.

The Benefits of Object-Oriented Programming

         Object-oriented programming produces well-organized programmes. Because relative data and functions are grouped in the same object, it's easy to find what you're looking for and understand the code's basic purpose. Developers who are new to the project or who are revisiting code they have not seen in a long time can adapt much more quickly. You can avoid overwhelmingly large and complicated files when code is divided into manageable chunks in this manner. The following sections look more closely at some of the benefits of this approach to programming.

Reusability of code

      Abstraction allows you to reuse code throughout a project. It reduces file size and programming work. Knowing that you can call a method in an existing flexible object eliminates the need to rewrite it in another part of the codebase. Self-contained objects can also be used in other codebases to accelerate development in new projects.

     This is especially useful when building a library or framework out of low-level, versatile utility objects. A library, gem, or package that provides authentication or activity logging would be beneficial (the name differs depending on the chosen language). This enables you to share code with anyone, both within and outside of your project or team. This is how open source software works.

Debugging and testing

      Object-oriented programming's self-contained nature can facilitate testing and debugging. When the objects are only concerned with the functions and data they contain, writing tests for specific pieces of your project becomes easier.


     Through inheritance and polymorphism, object-oriented programming gives your codebase flexibility. Through inheritance, classes and objects (depending on the language) can share properties and methods. Everything from the parent class or object is passed down to the child class or object. Polymorphism occurs when a child redefines something inherited from a parent.

        For instance, if you have an object called vehicle with the property number of wheels and the method drive, you could create a child object called motorcycle. Motorcycle would inherit drive and number of wheels, but you could change the number of wheels to "2." If you ever change the drive method on the vehicle object, every child object (such as a motorcycle, scooter, or bus) will have the new drive method.

Negative consequences of OOP flexibility

      Inheritance works across generations, not just between parents and children. If you made a cruiser child of motorcycle, it would inherit everything motorcycle has as well as every method and property that the vehicle object has. If you keep your common functions and values in your lower-level objects, this feature adds a lot of reusability.

Although this is usually beneficial, if you're not careful, it can also cause problems. To update all children, you only need to update one function on the parent, but you may update many children you did not intend to update.

Top 2023 object-oriented programming languages to learn


C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. This language supports the creation of database applications, web and desktop apps, console programs, networked applications, and many more. 


PHP is an open-source server-side scripting language that is widely used to create dynamic web pages. Because of its flexibility, relative ease of use, and extensive open source libraries, this programming language is popular among web developers.



Java is a high-level object-oriented programming language popular for web development, enterprise applications, mobile app development, and distributed computing.


Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language. This language is frequently used by software developers in conjunction with Elm, Haskell, Clojure, or Scala. Python enables developers to create complex applications that integrate multiple system components.


Ruby is an object-oriented programming language that is used by developers to create dynamic, web-based applications. This programming language is compatible with a variety of paradigms, including functional and object-oriented programming.

Top jobs that use OOP languages

   OOP languages are used by programmers to create games, mobile apps, and websites. Following the acquisition of an OOP language, you may wish to pursue the following careers:

    As of January 2023, all salary information was obtained from Glassdoor. It includes the annual base salary as well as average extra pay insights such as commissions and profit sharing.

Game developer

Software developer

Full-stack developer

iOS application developer

Android application developer



     Objects are an essential component of every software system with which you interact on a daily basis. Choosing which objects you need and which you don't necessitates careful consideration of your needs and a great deal of experience. Keep in mind that object-oriented programming (OOP) offers a mental model for structuring your software. When you comprehend

    This concept is applicable to any programming language.

      To gain a better understanding of how OOP works in practise, try applying these concepts to software that you use every day. Enjoy learning, and have fun with OOPS!

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